Wednesday, November 1, 2017


only 1,332 units (PR1MA) houses built up to August 2017
against 625,000 units announced by gomen since 2013.

Jagdeep said completed units far cry from number announced since Budget 2013.

since PR1MA Act 2012, from 2013 Budget - 2018 Budget, 625,000 homes promised

been five years now, meagre 1,332 units have been built. 

shocking and saddening 
Penangites not given a single unit PR1MA home.

no point making announcement after announcement. 

Shahidan revealed 1,332 homes built in Putrajaya, Kuala Ketil, Sungai Petani 2 

Shahidan replying to question by Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin.

Jagdeep compiled PM’s Budget speeches 2013 - 2018

premier announced total of 625,000 PR1MA homes.

Jagdeep’s research:
  • 50,000 units announced in 2013 Budget
  • 80,000 (2014)
  • 80,000 (2015)
  • 175,000 (2016)
  • 30,000 (2017) 
  • 210,000 in 2018 Budget
Jagdeep said Penang govt completed 20,887 affordable homes 
with (CCC) and handover of keys end 2016

17 more affordable housing projects proposed
5 were works in progress, promising 27,230 units

My comments : There is something seriously fishy here. What happened to all that money that was allocated every year to PRIMA to build thouse houses? PRIMA has an office, CEO, general managers, staffs etc. They have been given hundreds of millions of Ringgits. If they can deliver only 266 houses per year for FIVE years, then what has happened to all that money?

Here is something else. What the hell is TN50? Is it Tenaga Nasional 50 tahun?

My question is : this new TN50 will also promise the building of sufficient affordable housing for the people. But that is to be achieved by the year 2050 - another 33 years away.

If they deliver only 266 houses per year, in 33 years PRIMA can build 8778 units.  
At this pace, PRIMA cannot help the nation achieve TN50 either. 

The fact that this PRIMA is another "Satu lagi projek untuk menipu orang Melayu' is obvious. 

But the bigger question is : where did all that money go to?

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