Sunday, October 29, 2017

Singer: SEA Games closing ceremony performers not paid yet

On Merdeka Eve at the Bukit Jalil national stadium, pop icon and singer Zainal Abidin was among several performers basking in the limelight, during the closing ceremony of the Kuala Lumpur Southeast Asian Games 2017 (KL2017).
However, two months on from the closing, Zainal is feeling neglected by the organisers of KL2017, whom he claimed have yet to pay him and other artistes for their performances.
While he says that they don't just rely on one source of income, their hard work should be compensated as per the agreements signed between them and the organisers.

"It's not just ministers who want a life of luxury. We artistes also want a good life," Zainal told Malaysiakini today.
He said he had been informed that the government had appointed a company to deal with the payments for the performers.
The issue of late payment for celebrity performers at KL2017 came to light when it singer-actress Adibah Noor posted about it on Twitter yesterday.
In one of her tweets, she claimed the preparations for Budget 2018 was the excuse given to performers waiting to get paid.
Adibah told Malaysiakini that she had been alerted by one of the performers about their plight prior to raising the issue.
She said it wasn't just celebrities who were affected, but other performers, including dancers and children.
Besides Zainal, other celebrity performers at the KL2017 closing ceremony include Ella, Amy Search and David Arumugam.
Zainal said he has asked his lawyers to take the necessary steps to secure payment from the government-appointed company in charge of the games' payroll.
"I'm forced to do this because the company hasn't made the payments. We are not balls that can be kicked around," he said.
David said he too has not been paid but is not too concerned about the delay.
"I'm not worried because they (the company) has worked with me many times. I trust them," the Alleycats singer said.
Other celebrities meanwhile, were more fortunate.

Celebrity host Aznil Nawawi (photo) told Malaysiakini that he has received his full payment from the organisers.
The Malaysian SEA Games organising committee (Masoc) told the portal that the company in charge of payroll had been appointed through a tender by the Youth and Sports Ministry.
"So, whether an artiste has been paid or not, that is the company's business. The artistes involved should refer to them," a Masoc media officer said when contacted.
The officer added that it was wrong to blame the government on the matter, as it the appointed company that is in charge of the performers' contracts.
"As of now, Masoc has paid out on more than 50 percent of the contracts for the opening and closing ceremonies on behalf of the government," the officer added.
Adibah has since tweeted that Youth and Sports Ministry secretary-general Lokman Hakim Ali has reached out to her, and that the ministry is working to resolve the issue.
Terima kasih YBhg Dato Lokman Hakim Ali, Secretary General of Ministry of Youth & Sports for your concern. Moga dipermudahkan.


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