Tuesday, November 28, 2017


So many people were angry with Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor this morning.
Even the normally cool Rocky seemed angry when he wrote this;
Even if he hadn’t run down the 720,000 graduates that ITM/UiTM has churned out (and the 165,000 students currently chasing their papers in over 30 campuses throughout the country), Ku Nan was already that rotten apple in Umno. Residents from Datuk Keramat to Taman Tun Dr Ismail have been up in arms against his “projects” over the last couple of years. A week or so ago he finally felt he’d better meet the residents of TTDI who are fighting to save their Rimba Kiara but his address, to no one’s surprise, did not go down so well (The day Ku Nan allegedly Lied to TTDI residents – The Mole, Nov 26).
Well, I never like Ku Nan from day one.
That’s long before the Dr Mahathir-Najib war.
For me, the guy is a boor.
You can check this blog’s archive to know what I think of Ku Nan.
I used to kena whacked by pro-Umno bloggers for criticising Ku Nan and several other Umno leaders who were equally boorish.
One very prominent and popular pro-Umno blogger even accused me of being a paid DAP cybertrooper or Pro-Tun blogger at one point because of that.
Well, I don’t really care much what they think of me. So, I just don’t give a shit lah.
Today, when all those ITM/UiTM people got riled up with Ku Nan because he called them “slow learners”, I just shook my head.
“Now you know,” I said to myself.
It’s a mystery to me why the Umno people kept him as their secretary-general for so long…him and all the other boorish and shameless people at the highest level of the party.
As if there are no good people left in Umno.
Really, there are still many good ones who can replace those bad ones. But what to do, Umno still want to keep people like Ku Nan.
Never mind. Let’s not waste our breath, okay.
I’m quite confident Ku Nan and the others like him will not be too much affected by what happened today.
Ku Nan will still be the Umno sec-gen and Federal Territories Minister after the ITM/UiTM people have cooled down.
He will still be the BN candidate for Putrajaya in the coming election.
And he’s going to win, okay.
I’m willing to bet 50 sen on that.
You know lah….Malays can’t be angry for too long one.
Marah sekejap je. Nanti okay lah tu.
And life goes on.
– http://lifeofaannie.blogspot.com

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