Saturday, December 30, 2017

It’s Mahathir Who Wants Dzulkifli Removed After All

Nevertheless, whoever may have been behind the move, the objective was clear enough. It was to make Dzulkifli an embarrassment and liability so that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak would have no choice but to remove him and replace him with someone else. Now the truth has surfaced and it is actually more than just that.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
When the attacks against MACC Chief Commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad first started about two-and-a-half months ago on 13th October 2017 there was speculation on who may have been behind it. The first suspects were the ex-IGP and the Chinese underworld that were suffering the brunt of the MACC clampdown.
But then only The Malaysian Insight was going to town playing up the issue and since that news portal was linked to the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) suspicion moved to those who walk in the corridors of power. Another suspect was Shafie Apdal who was suffering a serious case of cash flow problems due to MACC’s action against those involved in the Sabah RM1.5 billion water projects scam and the subsequent freezing of scores of bank accounts.
Nevertheless, whoever may have been behind the move, the objective was clear enough. It was to make Dzulkifli an embarrassment and liability so that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak would have no choice but to remove him and replace him with someone else. Now the truth has surfaced and it is actually more than just that.

Dzulkifli refuses to join the conspiracy to remove Najib so he must go

In the previous article, Mahathir wants Najib to appoint Mukhriz as DPM II, we said that:
Mahathir’s strategy is to use threats and blackmail, his usual modus operandi, to get the MACC and AGC to agree to do his bidding. This has always been the way Mahathir gets people to do what he wants. 
Mahathir is blackmailing, Dzulkifli Ahmad, MACC’s Chief Commissioner, and has threatened to release damaging video footage of him in a week or so if he does not agree to play ball. Faridah Begum K.A. Abdul Kader has also been compromised and Mahathir has hard evidence of her transgressions that can hurt her husband if the AGC also does not play ball. 
All Mahathir needs is control of the MACC and AGC to finish Najib off. The AGC may be easier to control because Faridah Begum has been caught with her knickers down. Dzulkifli, however, is another kettle of fish. He is more degil so Mahathir may have to release the so-called sex video next week.

This is all about making Mukhriz the Prime Minister

Yes, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s agenda is to make his son Mukhriz the Prime Minister. That has been his agenda since 2009 and that has not changed. And when Najib refused to help Mukhriz win the Umno Youth leader’s post in 2009 and an Umno Vice President’s post in 2013, Mahathir decided that Najib has to go. And that was when Mahathir pulled the 1MDB rabbit out of his hat to use as the leverage to oust Najib.
The way that would be done was first of all to lodge a police report against 1MDB in December 2014, which Mahathir got Khairuddin Abu Hassan to do. Then the ‘1MDB campaign’ would start in early 2015 until July 2015 when the MACC and AGC would move in for the kill. That was supposed to have been completed on 29th July 2015 during the Cabinet meeting when Najib would be offered two options – resign or go to jail.
So the MACC and AGC are very crucial to the success of this plan. And when the 29th July coup failed, two days later, on 31st July 2015, they got Sarawak Report to publish a fake charge sheet to kononnya reveal Najib’s crime and suggest that this was why Najib was supposed to have been arrested on 29th July.

Everything is about removing Najib, unless he appoints Mukhriz the number two or DPM II to Zahid Hamidi

It was a dog-and-pony show but since the MACC and AGC were perceived to be behind it then it must be true. The fake charge sheet published on Sarawak Report must be real if the MACC and AGC are involved. That is why the MACC and AGC are crucial in the grand scheme of things. They can give legitimacy even to fake documents as long as it appears like the MACC and the AGC endorse them.
Dzulkifli was also offered two options, like how Najib was offered two options in July 2015. Play ball or else suffer attacks. If Dzulkifli agrees to join the conspirators then he would be spared. If he refuses they will release the photographs of him holding hands with another woman and he would be utterly destroyed.
Dzulkifli said no so they released the photographs and then got The Malaysian Insight to play up the issue. That was two-and-a-half months ago and still Dzulkifli did not fall. So now they have to step up the attacks and that is going to be done next week or so when the new video they have fabricated is going to be released.

Mahathir is upset that Najib is not playing ball and that the 29th July 2015 coup which was supposed to have been spearheaded by the MACC and the AGC failed

It took them some time to come out with this new video because it has to look real — as real as the Anwar Ibrahim ‘Omega watch’ video and the Mustafa Ali ‘spender’ video (spender is Terengganu slang for underwear). They are hoping that this new video would force Najib’s hand and leave him no choice but to remove Dzulkifli.
Najib will not be so stupid as to remove Dzulkifli and replace him with someone who will be beholden to Mahathir. That would be like putting a gun to his own head and pulling the trigger. Mahathir needs both the MACC and the AGC. If both work as a team to remove Najib then it can happen. Just the MACC or just the AGC alone cannot cut it.
This is not about sexual misconduct. If it is then Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin, Ramkarpal Singh s/o Karpal Singh, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, and many more are guilty of more than just holding hands. But that is not an issue. Only Dzulkifli is an issue. And that is because this is not about holding hands but about him refusing to help oust Najib so that Mukhriz can eventually become the Prime Minister.

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