Monday, January 1, 2018

Mahathir as PM will drag Malaysia backwards, warns Sabah Umno

Nasrun Mansur.
KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah Umno leader has warned that allowing former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to take the office again will immediately cast Malaysia backwards.
Silam MP Nasrun Mansur said Mahathir, who was Malaysia’s prime minister for 22 years, must not return to helm the nation if the people are serious about wanting progress.
“To avoid that, we must ensure BN returns to power in the next election.
“That is the only way we can propel the country forward and continue the government’s development agenda,” he said to FMT.
Nasrun, who is also federal deputy plantation industries and commodities minister, scoffed at the suggestion that Mahathir should become the prime minister regardless of how many seats PPBM won in the election.
He said the proposal was asking too much from PPBM’s allies in the Pakatan Harapan (PH), namely DAP and PKR.
In his speech at the PPBM AGM on Saturday, Mahathir’s son, Mukhriz, had said that Mahathir should become the prime minister by insinuating that Mahathir is the perfect candidate for the post because he is well-liked by the people.
Sabah Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Jainab Ahmad Ayid believes that Sabahans and Sarawakians are fortunate to have Najib as the prime minister because he has done more in nine years compared with Mahathir’s 22 years.
“We have been neglected in the past and left behind in terms of development.
“But now we can see for ourselves the development brought to Sabah by the federal government under Najib such as the Pan Borneo Highway as well as social programmes such as 1Azam, school assistance, BR1M and many others,” she said.
The Karambunai assemblywoman also believed 92-year old Mahathir should not aim to be the prime minister again because of his age but, more importantly, because of his decision making.
For example, she said it had been shown that the veteran statesman had continuously been making decisions based on his personal preferences and not for the sake of the greater good.
On the contrary, she said Najib, as a politician, had proven time and again to be a leader willing to listen to the people and always ready to assist them.
“Mahathir had done a lot of things meant to embarrass Najib and to provoke hatred among the people. But Mahathir must understand now that his time has passed.
“He should give the chance to Najib to helm the leadership of this nation now,” she said. -FMT

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