Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year To / From Malindo Air ??

Image result for malindo air

This was  written by  my friend Norman Fernandez who lives in Johor.

An Open Letter To Chandran Ramamurthi
CEO, Malindo Air


My wife and I have returned from a weekend in Ipoh and both of us flew by Malindo Air. Incidentally, Malindo Air is the only airline operating the Johor Bahru - Ipoh sector. Of course, as more often than not, the return flight was delayed.  But, with Malindo Air this is something expected, or at least with the flights I have taken.

But, what has caught my eyes, is reading today’s BatamPos online news portal  (and now reported by others) which reported of a Malindo Air, Malaysian pilot caught with shabu drugs at Batam airport. Even more startling is the news that he may have consumed drugs and piloted the plane to Batam. 

The authorities said the said pilot gave every reason possible in trying not  to give a urine sample when asked. Luckily, they did not buy his ruse. Apparently, the authorities there had kept a watch on him on arrival. Not sure, if he was already on the watch list for sometime. Still, it is shocking to know that your pilot had piloted a plane under the influence of drugs, risking the lives of all the passengers.

When booking tickets, Malindo Air encourages passengers to also purchase an insurance policy. Sir, it seems that purchasing an insurance policy when flying Malindo Air is a necessity, since there is a real risk to life.  Perhaps, Malindo Air, could provide insurance policies gratis to passengers, since Malindo Air is putting passengers at risk.   Maybe it is YOU, Malindo Air,   we the passengers have to insure against.

Further, you would remember that it was only in May this year, when six Malindo Air stewardesses were caught in a drug bust and they were all charged with consuming drugs. This incident should have been an eye opener.

So, we now have a pilot caught for consuming drugs. 
We also have stewardesses consuming drugs. 

Sir, I think you may be having a drug problem with your crew. 

We, the passengers have a right to know just how endemic the drug problem is in Malindo Air. Don’t just give some standard cock and bull explanation, like 

  • “Malindo Air views seriouly the Issue” or 
  • “Malindo Air will not hesitate to terminate any staff involved in drugs”. 

That is akin to your staff making an announcement that “Malindo Air Flight OD 1234 is delayed”.   (OSTB :  OD 1234 ??)

Tell us exactly what are your standard protocols in ensuring a drug free environment in  Malindo Air.  

By the way, how often does Malindo Air conduct random drug test tests on your pilots and stewardesses. Don’t put the passengers to risk. We want to reach our destination, not perish before we reach our destination.

I must say, Malindo Air unlike another airline is generous with the leg room in the plane and passengers are appreciative of the free baggage allowance and in-flight light snacks. 

That nifty ATR planes and landing in Subang makes it an enjoyable experience. But, all the good in your airline, is coming undone with the frightening thought that drug junkies could be manning the plane. One junkie pilot is one too many. Recent incidents could justify the perception.

Whatever it is, I must be thankful for  the safe flight my wife and I had today. Thank God. However, I must indeed think long and hard, the next time I want to book a ticket. Should I risk my life (and my loved ones) flying Malindo Air?  We all will die someday, but perishing in a air-crash caused by a  drug junkie crew is something we can do without.

Sir, Happy New Year and please convince us that flying Malindo Air IS SAFE. Until you convince me, I am not playing Russian Roulette with my (and my loved one's) life. Remember, we passengers have a choice and yours is not the only airline.

Sir, will you respond - personally and publicly.

Oh, by the way Happy New Year. Safe flying.

Yours faithfully,

Norman Fernandez

My comments :  Just thinking -  Opium Air?  Ganja Airline? Druggie Airline System? High In The Sky? Ecstasy Airways? Narco Air? 

Just when I was beginning to like this airline.  This is just a small dip in their management. But if they do not nip this in the bud, there is going to be a big crash.

Lets hope they fix this problem asap and move on.  

1 comment:

  1. Do not travel on Budget Airlines. Managing an airline is very expensive so they need to cut cost. Pay peanuts get monkeys! Fly at your own risk.


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