Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ku Li : JakIm Institusi "Haram" (Melanggar Perlembagaan Penjajah)

Ku Li :   Jakim (is) result of Umno’s attempt to out-Islamise PAS 
political exploitation of Islam without grounding in religion
its establishment unconstitutional, Gua Musang MP told FMT 
Jakim - federal department for Islamic development.

Ku Li not first to question Jakim’s status
Jakim frequently accused of promoting extreme conservatism
prominent critic is Sultan Ibrahim of Johor
questioned huge budget for Jakim

last year attack by ruler after Jakim preacher criticised palace
closing down Muslim-only laundrette in Johor

3 yrs ago former MP Tawfik Ismail suggest abolish Jakim 
sparking debate on its constitutionality

Mahathir saw PAS as threat 
So set up Jakim
Umno joined “who-is-more-Islamic” race 
lacked Islamic knowledge to any appreciable depth
they go all out on religion, to compensate what they lack

Jakim established 1997
unit of PM's Dept 

Ku Li referred “Inculcation of Islamic Values” policy 
more aggressive after Islamist Anwar Ibrahim joined Umno 
Umno has no need for such a policy 

You need not tell the world we are Islamic 
We are already Muslims 
Islam is Islam

“just to show Umno more Islamic” than PAS

My comments :  Indeed the existence of JAKIM is unconstitutional. Someone should challenge this in Court. 

Before the Perlembagaan Penjajah was drafted,  religion was (and still is) the domain of the Malay Rulers of the respective States. Religion is a State matter.

When the Perjanjian Persekutuan (1948) and then the Perlembagaan Penjajah were drafted the Malay Rulers were clearly stated as being the heads of religion in their respective States.

There is no such thing as a Federal Authority over religion in Malaysia.

That is why Kassim Ahmad was acquitted of his charges. The Jakim clowns had him arrested in Kedah and then transported him to KL. The Court ruled that this was against the law.  

Because  there are no federal religious laws. There is no inter-state religious authority. ALL religious laws are in State only and are only applicable inside the State. 

That is why the Pusat Pemulihan Akidah are also unconstitutional. You cannot arrest someone for a religious offence in Perak and send him to the Pusat Pemulihan Akidah in Negeri Sembilan. That is unconstitutional.

In practise they overcome such breaches by using the Ministry of Home Affairs. 
For example some people who are summoned to appear before Jakim receive letters using the letterhead of the Ministry of Home Affairs.  They have to do this because Jakim has no authority. They have no power. That is why they use the Ministry of Home Affairs letterheads. 

But this is questionable and most likely against the Perlembagaan Penjajah.  Someone must challenge this in the Courts.

Same with Jakim's halal stickers.  Jakim earns millions of Ringgit from the halal stickers. 

Jakim has no power or authority to take any action to impose the halal stickers. 

It is unconstitutional for Jakim to even issue the halal stickers in the first place. 
Who gave them the authority to issue halal stickers and collect money from the people?
Again this should also be challenged in the Courts.

If Jakim issues halal stickers, each and every state can also issue their own halal stickers.   Why give the monopoly to Jakim. 

There is no law that can prevent a State from also issuing its own halal stickers.

Also since the Sultan of Johor has banned Jakim from Johor this means that Jakim's halal stickers are unlawful in the State of Johor.  

Johor must start issuing its own halal stickers.

Tengku Razaleigh is correct when he says that Jakim is unconstitutional. 

The easiest option is to just shut down Jakim.

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