Monday, January 1, 2018

Lim: PAS struggle praised by Umno because it's 'sesat'

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng believes that PAS has deviated from the core of its political struggle, proved through the praise it has received from Umno.
Lim said this in response to Pokok Sena lawmaker Mahfuz Omar leaving the Islamist party after 34 years.
"It's clear how Mahfuz wants to ensure that there is a solid opposition front to oppose BN because PAS' political struggle has sesat (deviated), that's why it was even praised by Umno.
"If the current administration says that 'this is a good opposition', you're finished.
“They say you are good because you listen to them, you are loyal to them, you do not create any nuisance and you do not threaten their position.
"So this means you are not the opposition, but you are their ally. This means that you are a fake opposition party," he said in a video uploaded by Penang state media Buletin Mutiara.

Mahfuz (photo), he added, wants an opposition front which can rid the country of large financial scandals, such as those the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) and 1MDB are embroiled in.
"He really wants to fight BN and not be in a secret pact, that's why he left PAS to be with the opposition, to truly go against BN, and change the bad government to a good government.
Lim's remarks came after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, in a New Year's message yesterday, slammed the federal opposition's conduct, and contrasted it to that of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, which he described as the "better way".

"A better way has also been shown by PAS under the leadership of Hadi.

"We are in different parties, but we surmount those divisions when it comes to matters of common interest, such as supporting the causes of the Rohingya and the Palestinians," the prime minister said in the message uploaded on his official blog.
Najib described this as "matured politics" which helps to build up the country, instead of trying to tear it down.- Mkini

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