Monday, January 29, 2018


MALAYSIANS are not ashamed of calling themselves citizens but are embarrassed of the present day government, say social media users.
Prime Minister Najib Razak yesterday said that those who are ashamed of being Malaysian should leave the country, slamming those who are not proud of their identity as being unpatriotic.
However, Internet users responded saying that it is the ruling government leaders that should leave Malaysia as they have humiliated the name of the country in an international stage.
Facebook user Leon Lee stressed that one of the humiliating incidents in recent times was Najib allegedly receiving a donation from Saudi Arabia in to his personal accounts.
“Most Malaysians are proud to be Malaysians. It’s the part where the PM receives billions in ‘donation’ that shames us,” he wrote on the social networking site.
There were also multiple calls for Najib to step down and leave the country as he is held responsible for recent wrongdoings in his administration including the mismanagement of 1MDB funds.
“The only person who doesn’t have any credibility to talk about being proud to be Malaysian is you. You have raped, murdered and butchered this beautiful country. It is you who should be kicked out of Malaysia,” Ramesh Murti posted on Facebook.
A user named Nurul Jannah posted that corruption ran rampant in Malaysia, and those who stood up against it risked having their freedom of speech curtailed.
“But I am proud of many of the country’s achievements and I am proud of the people, who stand united against the regime facing threat of intimidation, harassment and imprisonment.
“Corrupted leaders should leave the country. Worst still Malaysia, doesn’t belong to you. Malaysia belongs to all the people who pay taxes!”
On Twitter, users panned the prime minister for making childish remarks when there were more pertinent issues to be addressed.
“Is this how our petty Prime Minister should behave, when Malaysia has such a problem with brain drain?” Lainie Yeoh (@lainie) tweeted.
Twitter user Firdhous said she has left Malaysia for Germany but even those in Europe know about the misdoings of local politicians.
“I left @NajibRazak but I found that even people in the street’s of EU now despite without them being Malaysians.”
Parti Pribumi Bersatu youth chief Syed Saddiq also tweeted that policies introduced by the current administration like subsidy removal and introduction of new taxes burdened the people.
“I am proud of being Malaysian but I am ashamed when our leaders steal money, burdens the people with removal of subsidies and introduction of new taxes,” he said.
Najib was responding to Bersatu deputy president Mukhriz Mahathir’s statement that he was not proud of being Malaysian.
On Friday, Malay-language daily Sinar Harian reported that Mukhriz had claimed he was ashamed to admit to be Malaysian when travelling abroad, and would instead claim to be from fellow Southeast Asian Muslim country, Brunei.
However, Mukhriz has said the article is misleading, saying that he was merely voicing the feelings of Malaysians in general when faced with taunts from foreigners on the state of the country’s decline.
In recent years, Malaysian politics has been plagued jssues like mismanagement on sovereign fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), subsidy removal and introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2015.
In 2016, the DoJ said about US$731 million (RM2.8 billion) found its way into the accounts of Malaysian Official No. 1 (MO1).
The DoJ did not name Najib but Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan later confirmed that MO1 was the prime minister.
The DoJ had also filed civil forfeiture suits over more than US$1 billion in real estate, movie rights and other assets.
It then launched a criminal investigation last year and sought to delay the civil suits. US attorney-general Jeff Sessions has called the 1MDB scandal “kleptocracy at its worst”.

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