Monday, January 29, 2018

Yoursay: Cheap shots at Penang gov't won't win BN votes

YOURSAY | ‘Lies and doctored figures are how the BN plays its game of deception.’
Rupert16: These MCA and Gerakan leaders are just apple polishers. If they can’t or dare not comment on the elephants in the room such as the 1MDB and East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) controversies, what credibility do they have to fish for votes on the Penang highways and tunnel project?
Mushiro: Penang BN chairperson Teng Chang Yeow has taken the MACC for a ride. MACC has quickly started an investigation based on their complaints, which will only make them look like fools.
With GE14 coming soon, Penang BN is concocting lies to fool the public.
Hplooi: In the course of their investigations, the MACC has even issue information to media that the consultant was arrested over alleged falsification of certification. How does the MACC know that certification by the consultant is false?
Why does the MACC issue such kinds of "information", which is highly prejudicial, even before conclusion of investigations?
Note that the MACC would jump and threaten action in the case of “information leaking” in the Felda case. Does the MACC have the expertise to verify the authenticity of certification issued by engineering consultants?
Such kinds of certification are usually "technical" in nature. Does the MACC understand how and on what basis engineering certifications are issued?
If certification by professionals are alleged to be wilfully falsified by the said professional, then the Board of Engineers should be notified first. Has the MACC done that? But remember, if it is ever proven to be slander, it has legal consequences for those making such allegations.
Recall the incident where the board was successfully sued by one aggrieved professional in a case more than a decade ago.
And remember the Teoh Beng Hock case? Remanding a suspect and questioning them in the absence of their lawyers is highly unacceptable under common law.
There are 20-over consultants in the Penang tunnel case. The MACC can arrest them one by one, and all they need is just one to mount a case (however flimsy).
Thickskin: The arrests by MACC of various company officers and consultants involved in the project is viewed as criminal intimidation by the rakyat, and reinforces the perception that MACC is just a pawn of Umno, especially when its chief commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad is under the cloud of the Bali scandal.
Awang Top: If MCA, Gerakan and Umno cannot figure out the accounting procedures, then they should stop making noise like stray dogs.
Goldee: Teng is a half-past-six politician who can't understand the intricacies of the tunnel project. But he wants to act tough as if he knew everything about the project.
How can the country progress when we have people like Teng and MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong sitting in the government, who can't see the elephant in the room?
Indeed, I don't hear them speaking up against all the scandals happening in our country, especially on 1MDB, the "mother" of all scandals. They are all blinded by ‘dedak’ (handouts) as what former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad likes to say.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Lies and doctored figures are how the BN plays its game of deception. But to combat this scourge, displaying the right and truthful numbers is not enough.
Criminal defamation charges must be pressed by the Penang government to ensure that the real facts and numbers are drilled into these wayward politicians and their supporters. That is the only way to get the numbers published in public for all to see.
Anonymous 350791436750385: Yes, please keep up with the senseless and unsubstantiated attacks. The people will hate you more and when the election comes.
I hope the whole bunch of you will lose even your deposits. You people just make noise for the sake of making noise, which does not get you anywhere.
Whatsup: It's sad they relegate themselves to this level of existence just so they can continue a life of wealth and comfort.
If they aren’t creative in their lies to attack the Penang government, it appears they really have nothing to go on to catch or expose those running the state.
Hamzah Paiman: I beg to differ with PKR Youth secretary Chang Lih Kang. The billions spent on bailing out and propping up the national car industry had been at the expense of an efficient public transportation system.
Just imagine if those billions had been used to improve the infrastructure of our public transportation, east to west, north to south, our economic returns would have been many fold.
Odysseus: Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad ruled for 22 years. During that time, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his predecessor Abdullah Badawi (Pak Lah) were also in his cabinet. Doesn't this make them part of the success or failure of Dr M's rule?
Mahathir has stepped down since 2003, so for the past 15 years, what has been done to address the public transportation system? Other than the MRT, almost nothing across the whole country.
In addition, in every effort by the Penang government to improve public transport, the federal government would obstruct it.
Anticonmen: Proton is a white elephant. The MRT is also a white elephant - in many areas, the trains are running empty. Both projects were not properly thought through before implementation. In the end, they were a waste of money.
Ib: And which government is still giving Proton huge sums of money even after they have been bought by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co Ltd (Geely)?
Please, we all know the issue is not Proton, but the cronies that feed the political party’s piggy bank.
Thickskin: If we were to follow Najib's reasoning, then Japan and Germany would be forever doomed because their leaders started World War Two.
Mahathir had voluntarily resigned as PM decades ago, and since then nothing has improved. Yet he is still being blamed.- Mkini

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