Monday, February 26, 2018

Contest in GE14, don't be a 'pondan' – Nazri opens fire on Kuok

Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz is the latest Umno leader to train his guns on billionaire Robert Kuok.
Speaking to Malaysiakini, he challenged the 94-year-old tycoon, who is based in Hong Kong, to return to Malaysia and contest in the coming general election.
“Don't be a 'pondan(effiminate). Don't be a hen (ayam betina) which hides behind the wall in Hong Kong,” said the Padang Rengas MP, who is known for not mincing his words.
Earlier, when speaking to reporters at his parliamentary constituency in Perak, Nazri lambasted the billionaire as a “coward with no testicles”.
According to China Press, the minister described Kuok as “arrogant” and told him “not to hide overseas and fund DAP”.
Nazri was quoted as saying: “Kuok, we will fight you. Don't think you are rich.
“If you consider yourself rich, then join politics. Don't be a coward and hide (overseas), just to fund DAP in order for BN to collapse. BN accepts your challenge.”
Nazri said while Kuok was free to donate to a party of his choice and this was not against the law, the billionaire should not forget that his success is due to BN government's help.
The minister also claimed that funding DAP was irresponsible and could harm racial unity.
Nazri said many Chinese, although not as rich as Kuok, continued to live in Malaysia to develop the nation together with other races.
“It is better for people like Kuok to surrender their citizenship,” he added.
DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang has denied receiving funds from Kuok or through intermediaries such as the businessman's relatives in Malaysia.
The issue first came to light following reports in Malaysia Today, which alleged that Kuok was financially backing DAP.
The billionaire's nephew James Kuok, who was implicated in the articles, denied that his uncle had used him as a conduit to fund DAP's war chest.
In an exclusive interview with Malaysiakini, James Kuok dismissed the Malaysia Today reports as fake.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak raised eyebrows when he mentioned Kuok during a speech, saying that the government had provided him with the key to become the “sugar king”.
Prior to this, senior Umno leader Tajuddin Abdul Rahman warned Kuok not to forget his roots.


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