Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Deputy minister slammed for 'no aid' threat to fisherfolk

Penang executive councillor Dr Afif Bahardin has hit out at a deputy minister for saying that the fisherfolk in the state will not get allowances should Pakatan Harapan win in the forthcoming general election (GE14).
Afif described the comment by Deputy Health Minister Dr Hilmi Yahaya as "irresponsible, and an attempt to instil fear in the people" should Harapan seize Putrajaya from BN in the election.
"Such remarks show the bad attitudes of Umno leaders. Their comments clearly prove they are only capable of sandiwara (drama), without resolving the problems of the people, who have to face increasing economic burdens every day.
"Harapan is committed to uphold the dignity and to improve the well being of the fisherfolk in the state. We will continue dishing out allowances and subsidies even after we form the federal government.
"We are committed to introducing new policies to develop the fishing industry in Malaysia. We will reform relevant state agencies to be more efficient and transparent in providing better services for the well being of all fisherfolk in the country," added Afif, who is PKR Seberang Jaya assemblyperson.
Afif oversees the health, agriculture and rural development portfolio in the state.
He said this in response to Hilmi's comment in the media that fisherfolk would not be getting any allowance from the government if Pakatan Harapan wins GE14, which must be called by August this year.
The statement by Hilmi, who is Balik Pulau MP, was published on Feb 26 in Malay language daily Sinar Harian.
During a programme with the fishing community in Balik Pulau, Hilmi said: "To give aid, we must have financial resources.
"Pakatan Harapan said they want to abolish the goods and services tax (GST), but if they abolish the GST, how would they find the money to pay government officers and provide other aids?
"Really, they do not have financial resources, how to pay for all these? That is why the federal government led by BN is wise in these matters when we impose taxes on various quarters."- Mkini

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