Friday, February 2, 2018

Ministry queries witnesses at school, family wants teacher sacked

Penang education ministry officials today visited the school of a 13-year old student who died after committing suicide at her home in Nibong Tebal yesterday.
A source said the officials spoke to four teachers who shared their versions about the incident.
One of the deceased girl's aunt also met the officers, he said, and "tempers flared."
"The girl's auntie vented her anger and called for the ministry to sack the teacher involved in the incident," the source told Malaysiakini.
On Wednesday, Education Ministry Deputy Minister P Kamalanathan said the ministry was probing the matter and the teacher in question had been transferred to a district education office.
Earlier today, M Vasanthapiriya's family, friends and wellwishers gave her a tearful and emotional farewell as her coffin left her home.
The form one student succumbed to brain injury yesterday at 3.30am after attempting suicide on Jan 24 after she was accused of being involved in the theft of a teacher's mobile phone.

Her father and brother had found her hanging in her room with a shawl around her neck and rushed her to the hospital where she remained in coma until Feb 1.
She left a touching note saying she loved her teachers and denied stealing a mobile phone as accused.
The source said as a security measure, police were out in full force at Vasanthapiriya's funeral which was attended by over 1,000 including concerned citizens who never knew her in life.
Her plight touched many with an NGO - Malaysian Tamilar Kural - coming forward to assist her family in seeking redress.
It is understood the school's PTA will also be convening a special meeting next Friday.- Mkini

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