Monday, February 26, 2018

Woman, Woman, Woman, Sex, Sex, Sex - What The Lebai Did When You Were Not Looking

Recall a "column" that I started  'What the mullas have been doing while you were not looking".    Well it has happened again.   Another retard could not control his urges. 

Didnt I tell you that these religious retards are the biggest liars? They are hypocrites and perverts as well.  Here is the news:


NST ONLINE - Feb 25, 2018 

KL : man  in white jubah, kopiah accused of touching woman’s thigh on LRT 

elderly man moving his right hand towards female passenger 

glance down to woman’s leg

moving his fingers until contact with woman

woman asleep, unaware of man’s actions

He stopped when he noticed Malay couple eyeing him

got off train, Netizen who uploaded video claimed 

Rapid KL  said they will (mel_nc_p over the matter) with relevant parties

My comments : The brain dead zombies have begun to criticise the girl. They say she should not be wearing such a short skirt. Itu dia punya pasal lah. Siapa suruh awak pandang peha dia. 

Then how are you going to travel overseas to Golok, Hadyai, Danok,  massage al seronok  in Medan, Jakarta and Surabaya?  The girls over there also wear short skirts.

Tak payahlah nak cakap pasal melawat ke New York atau Singapore. These lebais only have money to travel on LRT.  New York, Singapore semua tak payah lah.

It is a very sick religion. It does not teach them any values.

Tengok lah gambar Ah Moi itu. Dia pakai skirt pendek sejak entah bila. 

Tak kena rogol pun oleh ayah, abang atau uncle dia.  
Tak kena rogol pun oleh bangsa kaum dia sendiri. 
Pasai apa pula?  
Depa kan kaum kafir.  Depa bukan islam.
Tetap Masya Allah kaum kafir tak rogol skirt pendek dia pun.

Yang cuba meraba peha dia geng lebai kepala bap_k.

Islam konon.

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