Thursday, March 1, 2018

GE14: Umno man sees Chinese voters' 'ini kali lah' morphing to 'tak apa lah'

Umno information chief Annuar Musa has said there is no need to raise the spectre of a "Chinese tsunami" in the next general election.
He said this was because Chinese voters were pragmatic and could see the opposition's slogan "Ini kali lah (This is the time)" morphing into "Tak apa lah (Never mind)".
"Ini kali lah" was the opposition's battle cry in the last general election, in an attempt to urge voters to vote for change.
"The issue of where the votes of the Chinese community would go in the 14th general election, or whether there will be a Chinese tsunami should not be viewed in a prejudicial or racial manner.
"History has proven that the Chinese are very pragmatic. They can act like a pendulum or choose not to care.
"They chose 'Ini kali lah' in the 13th general election, it is not impossible they would say 'Tak apa lah' in the 14th general election," Annuar was quoted as saying by Umno Online.
The term "Chinese tsunami" was first coined by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak immediately after the 13th general election, following the community's sizeable vote against the ruling coalition.
However, MCA president Liow Tiong Lai yesterday expressed confidence that there would not be another "Chinese tsunami" against BN.
Annuar said the Chinese community had assimilated well and blamed DAP for allegedly stirring up racial sentiments.
"In a situation like these, moderate parties such as MCA and Gerakan have become victims and their representation in the government becomes weak while DAP grows in strength among the Chinese community," he said.
However, he stressed that the community will always be a partner for BN.-Mkini

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