Saturday, March 31, 2018

LDP man mocks PH’s pledge to continue BR1M cash aid

Sabah assistant minister Pang Nyuk Ming says the opposition is now forced to do an about-turn.
Sabah assistant tourism, culture and environment minister Pang Nyuk Ming.
KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah assistant minister has ridiculed the opposition for its change of mind on the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) cash handout programme as seen in Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) manifesto for the next general election.
Sabah’s assistant tourism, culture and environment minister Pang Nyuk Ming said in the past, opposition politicians likened BR1M to corruption, but said they now found it good enough to be included in their election manifesto.
“I think it is because they also realised, after several years, the benefits are there for the people,” he said.
“The opposition may not have admitted it, but the fact that they pledged to keep BR1M is proof that it is a good programme,” Pang said at a ceremony to give out BR1M vouchers to 1,500 recipients in Tawau today.
Pang, BN’s Merotai state assemblyman from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), said the opposition has also promised to continue other programmes by the BN government.
PH’s manifesto launched earlier this month includes maintaining the BR1M cash aid for those in the B40 bracket (bottom 40% in household income).
“The opposition members can say what they want. They can call BR1M an attempt to fish for votes, that it is a bad programme.
“All I ask is for the people to judge the government by its achievements and how it has helped maintain peace and harmony among the multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysian society,” said Pang.
Pang said the federal government under Najib Razak has given attention to Sabah.
“Because of this, I believe Sabah will continue to be the BN’s stronghold in the coming election,” he said. -FMT

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