Saturday, March 31, 2018

MCA tunnel forum kicks off minus 'special guests'

Although two seats were reserved at the Tan Si Eng Chuan Tong Hall for MCA's special guests - Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his father Lim Kit Siang - they were left empty as the forum "Penang's Truth" on the undersea tunnel project got underway at Bagan, Butterworth tonight.
By 8pm, the hall was filled with about 500 people of all ages, mostly Chinese. although Some Malays and Indians also attended the event.
Rela officers were present at the entrance to prevent any untoward incident. The main speaker for the forum, MCA deputy chief Wee Ka Siong arrived at 8.47pm.
While waiting for the arrival of other speakers, a big screen on the stage featured a video on the tunnel project and other anti-Guan Eng clips.
MCA state chief Tan Teik Cheng went around greeting guests and journalists.
Also spotted was BN strategic communications department deputy director Eric See To (below), a strong critic of the tunnel project.
A group of participants - members of Penang Front Party - were seen armed with red placards with the Chinese character for “cheating” written in white.
MCA Bagan chief Dr Tan Chuan Hong kicked off the forum with criticisms against the Penang state government.
His speech was peppered with "Is this ciak lui? (Hokkien for "devouring money")?" The crowd responded in the positive.  Mkini

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