Thursday, March 1, 2018


The seizure of the superyacht linked to controversial tycoon Jho Low proves that action can be taken against those involved in 1MDB even if they are not in the country.
Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin said this when commenting on the joint operation to seize the yacht in Bali by Indonesian police and the US’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) yesterday.
MEANWHILE, according to The Malaysian Insight:
THE seizure of Low Taek Jho’s RM1 billion yacht by Indonesian authorities is in stark contrast to Malaysia’s failure to take action in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd scandal, said Mohamed Azmin Ali.
The Selangor menteri besar, in a statement today, lauded the seizure of the yacht belonging to the controversial businessman, better known as Jho Low, as a “milestone”.
“The headlines in Indonesian news (outlets) spoke plainly: ‘Kapal Equanimity Dibeli dengan Uang Hasil Korupsi di Malaysia’ (Equanimity yacht bought with corruption-derived money from Malaysia).
“As the 14th general election draws close, the seizure of the Equanimity has given Malaysians a foretaste of what a Pakatan Harapan victory could bring: Jho Low and his kleptocrat conspirators brought to justice, and their billions in ill-gotten assets brought back to Malaysia, to be returned to help the people.”
The US Department of Justice alleges that the yacht was bought by Low with money siphoned from the troubled state investor.
Low has been named by the DoJ as the mastermind in a scheme to funnel billions of dollars from 1MDB.
Azmin, who is also PKR deputy president, said the Barisan Nasional government had denied his challenge to the authorities, namely the inspector-general of police, to arrest and extradite Low back to Malaysia, to face the law.
“This why we must vote for change in the next general election, because a vote for change is a vote for justice,”   he said, reiterating that Low must be traced and arrested.
PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil, in echoing Azmin’s sentiment, said Low must immediately surrender himself to the authorities.
He said Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali should initiate legal action against the businessman and other individuals believed to be involved in the 1MDB scandal, no matter who they were or what positions they held.
“Jho Low must return to clear his name in Malaysia and other countries investigating the 1MDB scandal, including the US.
“As long as he does not face legal action in Malaysia and any other country investigating the 1MDB scandal, the perception of his involvement, and that of other individuals, in the 1MDB scandal is solidified,” he said in a statement today.
PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil says he believes that Malaysians are ashamed that action related to the 1Malaysia Development Bhd scandal appears to be be taken only abroad. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 1, 2018.
PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil says he believes that Malaysians are ashamed that action related to the 1Malaysia Development Bhd scandal appears to be be taken only abroad. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 1, 2018.
He said he believed that many Malaysians were ecstatic about the seizure of the luxury yacht.
“However, we are also ashamed, as it shows that action related to the 1MDB scandal appears to be be taken only abroad, in the US, Singapore, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Indonesia.  
“Given that Jho Low has condemned the confiscation of his yacht, and since the action was taken based on the RM1 billion allegedly used to buy the luxury vessel under 1MDB, he must immediately surrender himself to the authorities.”
Anak Muda Cari Jho Low spokesman Faiz Fadzil said the seizure of the Equanimity was a positive development in the 1MDB case.
“This is good news for Malaysians, as the investigation into the theft of almost RM20 billion has not stopped.
“The seizure of the vessel, which was carried out with the FBI’s help, also shows that the international investigation is being intensified.”
The Amanah Youth deputy chief said Prime Minister Najib Razak and police had failed to track down Low despite the fact that his criminal acts had been reported to the authorities.
“This action (yacht seizure) by foreign authorities is in clear contrast to the action of Malaysian authorities, where the judiciary, police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and attorney-general seem to have closed the 1MDB case.
“We call on the inspector-general of police to get the Indonesian government’s cooperation, to confirm whether Jho Low is in the country where the yacht was seized.
“If he is in Indonesia now, he should be arrested and extradited to Malaysia, as we have an extradition treaty with Indonesia.”  
He said Low’s arrest was crucial to enable a criminal probe to commence in Malaysia, which would lead to the 1MDB case being resolved and the restoration of the country’s economy.

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