Thursday, March 29, 2018

'Protesters would've been held under ISA during Dr M's time'

If the Bersih demonstration outside Parliament yesterday had taken place during Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s premiership, everyone would have been arrested.
Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Aziz said this when commenting on Mahathir’s presence at the demonstration yesterday.
“Mahathir, do not lie. If such a thing happened during his time (as prime minister), he would not have allowed it.
“He would have arrested everyone and put them under the ISA (Internal Security Act),” Nazri said.
He was speaking to the press after launching the “Peking Man in Malaysia: Zhoukoudian Heritage Site” exhibition at the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur today.
Protesters, rallying under the banner of pro-democracy group Bersih, had gathered at the national monument close to Parliament yesterday to protest the government's plan to push through Parliament the Election's Commission redelineation report.
Opposition leaders including Mahathir were also present. The EC report was later passed by the House.
Critics charge that the redrawing of electoral boundaries by the EC is skewed in favour of the ruling BN coalition but the government says the process was free from political interference.
Mahathir aligned himself with the opposition last year ostensibly over the 1MDB scandal and the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's alleged role in it.
Najib has consistently denied any impropriety.
Nazri also said Mahathir has an “endless vengeance” against Najib, because Najib is proving to be a better prime minister than him.
“He feels that he is very great, but he sees Najib is greater.
“What more now, it is evident that Najib as a prime minister prioritises the well-being and happiness of the rakyat.
“When Najib does well, it makes him seem not so great. That is why he is so angry,” Nazri said.
Describing Mahathir as “an old man with nothing better to do”, Nazri told him not to lie to the rakyat about the government anymore.
“You are already old, enough.
“Give a chance to the leaders now, for us to govern the country well and then we will hand it over to the next generation.
“So those who are already old should just stop ranting. Enough,” he said. -Mkini

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