Thursday, March 29, 2018


‘What sort of democracy is that? Parliament might as well close shop.’
Gerard Lourdesamy: Being ejected from Parliament is no loss to these DAP MPs. It has been a rubber stamp Parliament for decades, with a clown as speaker. Parliament will be dissolved by the time the MPs’ suspension is lifted.
It’s better for them to work in their respective constituencies in anticipation of GE14. When the new Parliament reconvenes, both speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia and deputy speaker Ronald Kiandee should be out of a job.
Pandikar has time and again proven to be a lackey of the ruling party – no questions on 1MDB are permitted just to protect MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), Mrs MO1, the stepson, as well as businessman Jho Low and his associates.
What sort of democracy is that? Parliament might as well close shop. It is of zero benefit to the rakyat.
AliTanApu: It seems we have a parliamentary speaker who is happy to cover up misappropriation of public money which belongs to the rakyat.
Kamaapo: With such dictatorial, biased, unparliamentary tactics in conducting Parliament, do we still need this seemingly just-for-name-sake institution of democracy? Logical, relevant, good-for-the-nation questions are stifled.
Indeed, what’s the purpose of convening Parliament? It would be better to do away with Parliament.
Jaycee: We are truly going back to the dark ages. Might as well throw out the entire lot of opposition MPs, then you will have no objections during the Parliament sitting.
And if you are so thin-skinned; please remove yourself from the “chair”.
Vision2020: There is no doubt that these three hardworking MPs will be re-elected in the forthcoming GE14 for their courage to speak the truth for the rakyat, unlike Umno’s crony parties like MCA and MIC, who have no gumption to highlight the corrupt practices amongst their ranks, particularly on the infamous money-laundering said to be linked to 1MDB.
Victor Johan: So, the bunch of speakers of the August House are making judgements at their own whims and fancy, and without clear parliamentary ethics. The rakyat need to make a clear decision to oust the present Umno-led BN government at the coming GE14.
Prime Minister Najib Razak, should he ever win the contest at his Pekan parliamentary constituency, needs to be placed as the new Umno-BN opposition leader and be answerable to all the alleged injustice and corrupt practices.
We want a new Pakatan Harapan coalition government in power.
Drngsc: Not to worry. The two speakers’ day of reckoning is coming soon. When injustice is the law, resistance is our duty.
Kim Quek: Nowadays, almost every statement or speech given by 1MDB, Arul Kanda Kandasamy and other high government officials on the 1MDB issue is fake news.
It is dreadful and disgusting that the ruling power has degenerated to such a horrible state. If the tyrannical Anti-Fake News Bill is passed and implemented fairly, all these culprits would be locked up in no time.
It is hence obvious that the anti-free speech law is not meant to be used against themselves, but for muzzling the righteous people who expose their evil deeds.
On this score, BN should perhaps think twice before ramming the bill through Parliament, for such a handy tool could also be used against them once Harapan takes over in Putrajaya, which may be sooner than they think.
Cogito Ergo Sum: The statements from 1MDB clearly come under the new fake news law, and it should be the first entity to be prosecuted. They have clearly published a false report saying the money collected by the Swiss authorities are fines.
In fact, the monies are profits from allegedly illegal activities of the banks involved in handling funds said to be related to 1MDB.
Gaji Buta: If you give the money to someone else, is it still yours? Maybe technically, so 1MDB is right in saying the money is not theirs?
Rick Teo: Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, you speak as if do not understand what’s going on in this country.
Our trillion debts alone signify that the country is descending into a failed state, and yet you glorified what we have achieved so far. Your ‘syiok sendiri’ (self-gratifying) opinion of the state of affairs only clearly indicates you are totally out of touch with reality.
You don’t deserve to be a foreign minister with your poor grasp of our state of affairs. To me, you are more suited to be a clerical officer in the government service, and former ambassador Dennis Ignatius should appropriately be our foreign minister.
From Penang: Anifah, why did you not raise your voice when the US Department of Justice (DOJ) called Malaysia a kleptocracy at its worst? What are you and all officers in Wisma Putra so proud of?
Thana55: So which PR guy wrote Anifah’s rebuttal? It’s an amateurish response. Seriously, why bring in the morale of officers in Wisma Putra? They are supposed to be a robust lot and not succumb to a blog posting. Are they so weak?
Did you see how Singapore minister K Shanmugam took on the Facebook guy (Facebook vice-president of public policy for Asia-Pacific Simon Milner)? That is what we call competent.
Your ambassador in UK gave another meek response to The Economist article, So at best, we now have a mediocre Wisma Putra compared to the days of former foreign minister Muhammad Ghazali Shafie and Dennis.
Man_From_Mars: And the Malaysian ambassador to Indonesia says Malaysia is a ‘victim’ of the superyacht probe linked to US’ 1MDB investigations? It has made us the world’s laughing stock.
Anonymous #13571680: A thief would never admit that he had stolen, especially if he is continuing to steal. And these are the fellows who would portray themselves as religious folk. He would try to justify what he did.
When corruption and robbery reach an exorbitant level, those found to be engaged in it would start assuming it is the norm and those not engaged in it are abnormal – they lose their perspectives. That reminds me of people like Anifah.
– M’kini

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