Friday, March 30, 2018

Updated : Israeli F35 Adir Stealth Jets Fly Into And Out Of Iran Undetected



Lockheed Martin F35 fighter jet plane, also known as the Adir

2 IAF F-35 Adir fighter jets entered Iranian airspace undetected over past month

Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Thursday

signal of heightened regional tensions
recent Israeli military attacks in Syria
including against Iranian bases in the country

Al-Jarida stated 2 stealth fighters flew over Syria, Iraq to reach Iran

targeted locations in Bandar Abbas, Esfahan and Shiraz.

2 jets, among most advanced in the world, circled at high altitude 

above Persian Gulf sites associated with Iranian nuclear program

two jets undetected by radar, including Russian radar in Syria

seven F-35s in service in IAF 

have conducted missions in Syria and Lebanese-Syrian border
F35s can travel from Israel to Iran twice without refueling

Israel admitted to launching 100 air strikes on Syria over past five years

targeting Hezbollah, weapons convoys and infrastructure

Israel behind 2007 destruction of nuclear reactor in northern Syria

In Feb, Israeli F-16 jets strike 12 Iranian targets in Syria

My comments :  This is a major development in the Middle East. One of the things that hastened the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was the advent of the first American Stealth fighter the F 22 Raptor. The Americans could have flown the plane into Russia undetected, carrying nuclear weapons.

If this story above is true, then the Israelis will be flying even more missions right into Iran with their new F35 stealth jets.

The Israelis have modified the F35 to suit their local needs, including the extended range.   The report says their F35s can fly to and from Iran TWICE without refueling. It also means they can take out the Iranian nuclear sites at will. 

Do they have the will?     

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