Friday, March 2, 2018

Yoursay: Ahoy Apandi, the yacht belongs to the rakyat

YOURSAY | It may not belong to the gov't, but US says the money for it came from 1MDB.
CQ Muarku: Attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali, it appears you are the only one to clear those involved in the 1MDB fiasco. You audaciously declared there is no wrongdoing, but why does the world think otherwise?
And now, to make matters worse, you asked, "Why would the government claim Equanimity?" 
Isn't it obvious that the luxury yacht Equanimity was purchased by businessman Jho Low, who had reportedly used “stolen” funds from 1MDB?
Gerard Lourdesamy: Yes, Jho Low’s yacht may not belong to the government, but the US is saying that the US$250 million (RM1 billion) used to buy it had allegedly come from 1MDB.
So why is Apandi not assisting the US Department of Justice (DOJ) in the seizure, or seeking clarification at least? Ultimately, the yacht belongs to the Malaysian taxpayers, so shouldn't our AG be protecting our interests?
Instead, the narrative is to pretend that no money from 1MDB was misused and that the DOJ is imagining things.
Sadly, the rakyat do not believe this hogwash, and after GE14 if Pakatan Harapan wins, this AG will be sacked. I have no doubt about that.
David: If the money did not come from 1MDB, then where did it come from? You mean Jho Low can afford a RM1 billion yacht? Are you joking?
Even tycoon Robert Kuok at 93 wouldn't dream of spending RM1 billion on a yacht. Come on, Apandi. Don't give us this bull.
Ultimately: It's a no-brainer, AG. The US claims the yacht was bought with “stolen” Malaysian money (from 1MDB). So if it is true, it is for you to claim the yacht and establish if the DOJ is right.
Get your story right: if you claim no money has been stolen from 1MDB, then sue the DOJ and break ties with the US for slandering our wonderful government. 
Anonymous 2413471460628504: Money allegedly stolen from the rakyat is now being seized/recovered by foreign governments. But the money will probably not be returned to us because our government keeps insisting no money was stolen.
Great, so now the money will be taken by these foreign governments. Well, I suppose better them than having the money in the possession of alleged thieves.
JusticeNow!: This will go down in history not only as the biggest kleptocracy case but the most callous and blatant crime of all time by a sitting government in the history of humankind.
First, Apandi declared there is no crime; second, the country's second-highest court takes "judicial notice" of Apandi's remarks; and third, the establishment refuses to claim the US$650 million (RM2.7 billion) worth of assets belonging to the Malaysian people.
There are no words to describe the level of moral bankruptcy before our very eyes...
Ipohcrite: The present government under Prime Minister Najib Razak would not dare go after any of the stolen money or assets of 1MDB (by reason of the clear involvement of Malaysian Official 1 - MO1), much less go after Jho Low.
In fact, MO1 trembles at the thought that Jho Low, if arrested, might decide to do a plea bargain with the DOJ and sing like a canary to save himself at the expense of MO1.
RedHero: It is very clear that none of these Umno/BN leaders are keen or interested to get back money belonging to the Malaysian people. We have other governments, now including Indonesia, doing the work that we should be doing.
This looks indeed to be a major cover-up, and the people should make their voices loud and clear that we will not stop until something is done.
Malaysians, show your anger at the ballot box and get rid of these thieves who are living luxurious lives at the expense of the ordinary rakyat.
Dont Just Talk: Let’s be fair to 1MDB chairperson Irwan Serigar Abdullah when he was asked by reporters what he thinks of Jho Low's yacht seized by the FBI in Bali.
To reply positively would cost him his job, and be an embarrassment to his boss. What a shame, and MACC's director-general is still wondering why Malaysia's corruption index has dropped another seven spots to 62.
Anonymous #21828131: Irwan Serigar cannot answer anything about Jho Low's yacht that was bought using money purportedly laundered from 1MDB. On Tuesday, he went around explaining how all 1MDB's debts would be paid off after a certain number of years.
The other CEO, Arul Kanda Kandasamy, went around saying that 1MDB had fully recovered its monies. Then MO1 came up with the story that the "rationalisation" (the popular bastardised word to cover up 1MDB's failures) plan was proceeding smoothly.
But now this superyacht, allegedly using laundered 1MDB money, is there for the taking, and Irwan, the "most knowledgeable" 1MDB chairperson, is too scared to answer questions from journalists.
Which means what he said three days ago about 1MDB was fake news.
Isal: Why have they nothing to say to the press? Something to hide, perhaps? -Mkini

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