Monday, April 2, 2018

Dewan Negara passes supplementary budget

The Senate today passed the Supplementary Supply Bill (2017) 2018, totalling RM7.12 billion, with a majority voice vote after the third reading.
Deputy Finance Minister Othman Aziz said the annual budget was made based on the needs and commitment submitted by ministries or departments.
"However, the government cannot accommodate all the needs by the departments or agencies under the ministries, because the distribution of the allocation also depends on the estimated government’s financial position or revenue for the year the budget is tabled.
“Any needs that are inadequate will be covered if there is increase in revenue in the current year,” he said when winding-up the bill on behalf of the Finance Ministry in the Dewan Negara today.
The bill was passed by the Dewan Rakyat last week.
- Bernama

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