Monday, April 2, 2018

Dr M: Big turnout needed for Harapan to win, nothing less than 85pct

Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said that for the opposition coalition to win in the coming general election, it requires the biggest ever voter turnout.
“Nothing less than 85 percent,” added the former premier in a blog posting this afternoon.
Mahathir is confident that the target can be achieved based on the turnout during the last general election in 2013, which was at 84.8 percent.
“A Malay tsunami is what is needed. It can happen,” he added.
Stressing that support for Harapan must be massive, Mahathir said the aim is for the coalition to win with big majorities.
“Small majorities will lead to vote stuffing by the BN, which has the control over all the government employees working in the election.
“There will be recounts and again the government party can manipulate the counting. Postal votes are especially proven to fraudulent changes,” he charged.
Mahathir, who has been named as Harapan's choice for prime minister, said while most Malaysians are suffering, some, however, felt nothing.
'If they steal money, that is normal'
“(They argue)... what is so bad about the RM20 'ikan kembung'. It's only a few ringgit more. A few ringgit is nothing. Just a drop in the ocean. Rising cost is normal. You just have to put up with it.
“Then there are those who believe they actually benefit from the crisis. The crumbs are still worth scrambling for. If you are not critical it's okay. You can enjoy the crumbs.
“(They say)... what kind of government we have is irrelevant. All governments are the same. If they steal some money that is normal. For those who know how, there will be opportunities to grab from the very misrule, even from the stolen money.
“(Thay say)... let those stupid people stretch their necks out. If they get chopped, that is their problem. If they succeed that too is okay. We know how to benefit from their efforts,” he added.
Mahathir, who turns 93 this year, said it is sad that such people exist.
“They don't care for what happens to the country. Democracy or kleptocracy is the same to them. If you behave yourself the absence of the rule of law will not harm you.

“If indeed they are made to suffer, then just leave the country. Go to Australia or Britain or Canada. Take up foreign citizenship. Visit the country once in a while.
“These people are among us. There are not many of them. But their attitude may spread within their circle. They may not vote. Some may even spoil their votes. They vote but they don't vote. And they will tell others not to vote,” he added. - Mkini

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