Sunday, April 1, 2018

Muhyiddin hits KL streets with anti-GST protesters

A few months after the 13th general election in 2013, then deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin had blasted the federal opposition for trying to scare the people on the goods and services tax (GST). 
The GST was introduced on April 1, 2015, and Muhyiddin, now preparing to face the 14th general election as a Pakatan Harapan leader, today marked its third anniversary by leading a short protest around the city centre.
He arrived at the Sogo shopping mall at 4.30pm where he was greeted by some 50 supporters and the usual crowd of city dwellers enjoying the songs from buskers. 
Many of them were dressed in red - Bersatu's official colour - and raised anti-GST placards as they chanted "Tolak GST!".
After briefly addressing the crowd, Muhyiddin entered the Sogo shopping complex, a surprise move that left his own security team, as well as the police on duty, puzzled.
Around five minutes later, the crowd turned out to march along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, where along the way Muhyiddin stopped to engage with the crowds and asked to see their shopping receipts with the six percent GST.
He was heard telling them to reject GST, as the crowd chanted "Turun Najib" and "Undi Harapan".
Besides his earlier speech, Muhyiddin, however, did not join the crowd in their chants.
The group also distributed anti-GST pamphlets, which appeared to be well received, although one middle-aged lady who rejected it was overheard saying that they were wasting their time by protesting.
Another middle-aged man who encountered the group, however, said he was excited to cast his vote and expressed support for Muhyiddin.
The group crossed the road at the Kamdar emporium and turned back to end their march at a restaurant opposite the Maju Junction mall at around 5pm.
Muhyiddin, who held an impromptu press conference, said there were shoppers who told him that they were unaware of the GST charges.
"Just now along the way I met with the shoppers, I saw their receipts and some of them were unaware of the GST charges.
"When I pointed it out to them, they were surprised...," said Muhyiddin who claimed that it was proof people are being burdened by the GST.
Muhyiddin, who reiterated Harapan's stance that the country will not go bankrupt due to reduced income if the GST was removed, also described the protest as part of Harapan's anti-GST awareness initiative.
Earlier at Sogo, a group of some 40 students led by Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia (Gamis) president Muhammad Faizzuddin Mohd Zai (photo), also held their own anti-GST flashmob.
For about 10 minutes before Muhyiddin arrived, they performed sketches which showed how the poor are being burdened by the GST and remained beholden to the rich and powerful.
Faizzuddin, however, said it was only a coincidence they had bumped into Harapan supporters today and would back any parties that campaigned against the GST. -Mkini

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