Sunday, April 29, 2018

Not much time left but I must make amends, Dr M says in teary video

GE14 | Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has appeared in an emotional short film, in which he explains his decision to continue participating in politics to two children.
In the video, a little girl named Aisyah asks the Pakatan Harapan chairperson why he is still working.
"It is because I have to do some work with regards to rebuilding our country, perhaps because of mistakes I myself made in the past and because of the current situation," he replies.
Aisyah later introduces her brother Adam to Mahathir, and they discuss the meaning of "Merdeka".
In the video, Mahathir later becomes emotional, noting that at 92, he has little time left.
"I am already old. I am past 90. I don't have much time but within my means, I will try my very best to work together with all my friends to rebuild our nation," he says.
Mahathir says this between sobs as Sudirman's song, "Salam Terakhir" (Last Goodbye), plays in the background.
Looking at a sobbing Mahathir, Aisyah then hugs him.
Mahathir tweeted the clip, which is 2 minutes and 20 seconds in length, on Friday evening.
A longer 10-minute version of the video was posted on his official Facebook page today.
The two videos have collectively racked up just under 250,000 views in the past 30 hours. -Mkini

“Atok dah tua.. umur dah 90 tahun lebih
...jadi masa tak banyak...
Tetapi setakat yg boleh, atok akan berusaha... sedaya upaya berkerjasama dengan kawan-kawan untuk pulih semula, negara kita Malaysia...”

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