Thursday, April 26, 2018


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This has gone viral. Its quite interesting:

The GST has hit everybody really hard. 
As a nation we are paying RM42 billion more in taxes when previously we did not have to pay.  

This article is for all those people  who claim that GST is good for the public.

Please read the following and be very angry…..

This analysis is done on a simplified  monthly expenditure based on an expenditure of  RM 4000 per month, which is equivalent to  an Annual Income of RM48,000  :-

1. Tel/TNB/Internet/Astro, mthly say RM400/mth,  payable GST is RM24/mth  RM288/per yr 

2. Groceries RM600/mth, payable GST is RM36/mth RM432/per yr

3. Food/meals RM1,500/mth, payable GST is RM90/mth RM1,080/- per yr

4. Other expenses RM1,500/mth, payable GST is RM90/mth  RM1,080/ per yr

Total GST = RM2,880/yr.

Working backwards from FY2017 tax table, with the standard personal reliefs normally claimed, the amount of RM2880/-GST payable will work out, being equal to income tax payable as if you have an annual gross income of approx  RM91,500...

I bet you have never seen GST this way.....right!!!
For starters, a person with an annual expenditure of only RM48k is now paying a GST amount which is equivalent to as if his income was RM91,500.
And if you are an unemployed or retired person, and you have a basic level of expenses as  illustrated above and you are living on savings only,  through the aggregate GST paid as illustrated above,  it is as if you are paying tax on an income of RM 91,500 p.a...
When in fact, as a retiree living on savings, you actually have ZERO income !!!
So this is how the public being screwed with GST..
Please share with those illiterate voters who don't understand GST...

Vote Pakatan Harapan, who have promised to abolish GST if they succeed in becoming the next government. If Pakatan can manage to plug the leaks arising from corruption, we don’t need the GST.

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