Wednesday, May 2, 2018

BN strategist: Daim's GST U-turn a case of forked tongue politics

GE14 | Former finance minister Daim Zainuddin's criticism of the GST while campaigning for Pakatan Harapan is a case of forked-tongue politics, said BN strategic communications deputy director Eric See-To.
Citing a 2014 video in his statement, he pointed out that Daim previously supported GST and wanted to introduce it since the 1980s.
In the video, Daim said: “GST - I had wanted to introduce it since 1984 because our revenue base is small... If tomorrow, we face (revenue) problems, where are we to find money to spend?
"So, this is a consumption tax. It is an equitable tax. If one doesn't want to pay tax then don't spend. Furthermore, there are many exemptions.
"The government at the time said we were not ready. (My successor as finance minister) Anwar (Ibrahim) also wanted to introduce it but his position now is that he doesn't agree. But he wanted to implement it while he was in government.”
At that time, Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the prime minister.
See-To was responding to Daim's description of GST as "government suka tipu" (government likes to cheat) during a ceramah in Pendang, Kedah.
"This is forked tongue politics without taking into account that the country's economy will be unhealthy (without GST)," he added in a statement.
However, See-To said that he was not surprised that Daim, whom he described as “the richest person in Malaysia", was finally campaigning for Mahathir openly.
"He is a close friend to (Pakatan Harapan chairperson) Mahathir who had arranged many projects and business deals for Mahathir.
"According to Bersatu leaders who had left the party, Daim had long been involved in assisting Bersatu and Mahathir," he added. -Mkini

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