Tuesday, May 1, 2018

'Hello, Liow will join Harapan' – MCA tells members not to be deceived

GE14 | MCA members have been advised not to be deceived by phone calls from those claiming to be from the party's headquarters and alleging that MCA would switch camps if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election.
According to MCA publicity bureau chairperson Chai Kim Sen, one caller even claimed that party president Liow Tiong Lai would jump ship.
Chai believes that Pakatan Harapan is behind this attempt to turn MCA members against the party and accused the opposition coalition of running out of ideas.
“I received a complaint today that a member of Wanita MCA received a call from a young man claiming to be from MCA headquarters (mobile phone number 016-2617XXX) and asked several people in her family to vote. The caller also asked who she would vote for.
“She told him she is a supporter of MCA. The person said MCA would jump ship to Harapan if it wins and after MCA president Liow is elected, he would switch to Harapan,” he said in a statement.
Chai clarified that MCA headquarters had a call centre but would never call members on such matters.
"The content of the conversation is limited to updating party members' information and informing members of MCA's recent activities," he added.
Chai also said that attempts were made to contact the number, but the calls went unanswered.
“The person uses dirty tactics to mislead MCA members by unwarranted and unfounded grounds and attempts to destroy MCA by inciting hatred to influence the MCA members' confidence and impression of the party, to cause them to hate the leaders of MCA and MCA, the party.
“Who does this kind of shameless behaviour, need I say more?
“I hope that MCA members will not be deceived by them when they receive a similar phone call, because MCA will not and cannot jump to Harapan,” he added.
On the contrary, Chai said it is DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang who had no qualms in cooperating with his former nemeses such as Dr Mahathir Mohamad, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and Anwar Ibrahim. - Mkini

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