Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Johan Jaafar Says Some Nice Things About Me. Thank You Bro. Looks Like I Am Baack !

Once again I wish to thank all my readers who stop by to read my blog. It does not matter whether you agree with me or not, whether you like me or not. Thank you anyway for reading my blog.

As you can see to the right of your screen this blog has reached almost 45 MILLION pageviews.   Before the elections it was at 43++ million hits. This blog has been around for almost 10 years. 

There is no doubt this blog  is read by many. I am much obliged.  

Why do I have almost 45 million hits? It has to be the things I write. (Duh . .dopey me.)  Throughout my life I have been reading books. I began reading in earnest when I was nine years old. When I was much younger I used to read a minimum two books every two weeks. Later it increased to four books every two weeks. I have read some fiction but my pleasure has always been non fiction. 

Books about the ocean, ships, wheat production, about rice, rice genetics, Japanese zaibatsus, biographies of Henry Ford, John Kennedy, steam engines, flight, airplanes, ramjets, scramjets, steam engines, bridges, roads, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his cofferdams, his ironclad the Great Eastern, Ferdinand De Lesseps, Ghandhi, India, the Mau Mau, man eating tigers, Tigers of Terengganu, Malaya beautiful Malaya, British Malaya, Malaysia, the Inuits, Kabloona (that was a novel), my wonderful text books in University, the Arabic Quran, the translated Quran, tons of "religious" books (not even fiction but pure time wasting satanic bullshit),  books about wars, Vietnam War, General Nguyen Van Giap, Dien Bien Phu, the Battle of Tsushima (1905) that destroyed the Tsars, the 2nd World War, the Korean War, the Napoleonic Wars, the British Empire, the Nile Wars, the Space Age, rockets, missiles, Werner Von Braun, Richard Goddard, Marie Curie, the Atomic Scientists, the Atomic Spies, tanks, artillery, guns, bullets, bombs, all kinds of modern weapons, submarines, nuclear submarines, Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, the Moghuls, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Arabs, the philosopher Bertrand Russell, and so on.  It has been such a wonderful life - just to read and know about so many things that make up this world.

On the desktop

Then I have done quite a few things in my life.  I have also travelled to a few countries on about six continents and seen stuff and how people live.

Having gone through all that I can summarise that we human beings need just ONE THING to survive and thrive in this world. That is freedom. Especially economic freedom - the freedom to pursue wealth and happiness.

When a society guarantees all its members the free pursuit of wealth and happiness then that society will become a great society. Great in many ways. The people will be happy and wealthy. They will achieve great things, individually and as a society. 

When societies trade in their freedoms for stupid, satanic and lunatic things like religion then they become stupid, stupid and stupid. 

And here is a big secret folks - this is the only life that we are ever going to live. Period. If you miss out on doing something, there is no second chance.  Believe me on this one. (I have some inside information). 

So the sum total of all the above of my experiences has been filtered, concentrated and reproduced in my blog.  In a snapshot, I think that is why I have your 45 million hits. Thank you again.

To get to our story my good friend Johan Jaafar (I was with Tan Sri Johan Jaafar on the MACC's Advisory Panel for four years) has written about the MACC.  He has also mentioned me in this article that appeared in The Star. Here is an extract. You can click on the link for the full story :

I FIND it totally unacceptable that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has been playing Big Brother all these years. It got worse in the months leading up to GE14.

It is widely known that MCMC has been blocking not just the Sarawak Report website since July 2015, but even the blogs of locals who are critical of the government. 

Among the bloggers is Syed Akbar Ali, who achieved notoriety for his no-holds-barred posts.

Suddenly, on the morning of May 16, Syed Akbar, the gentleman behind OutSyed The Box, gleefully found out his blog had been unblocked.

He has become almost a cult hero for his moves to outsmart MCMC, but he is not alone.

My comments :   Cult hero ?? Thank you bro.  Friends say that they do not see me at  many public events.   I  do keep a low profile.  Most people cannot recognise me in public. Which is cool. 

But it also depends on the crowd.  A few days ago I was at the Vivekananda Ashram attending a talk by the Indian politician and renowned debater Sashi Tharur.  People were taking selfies with him. Then a few people recognised me. They started taking selfies with me.  Very kind of them to show some regard. Ada laku sikit lah. 

I hope to keep writing. Do keep reading.  Its not over until the fat lady sinks.   

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