Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kick Shahidan out of Perlis, says PH

They want the Perlis Umno chairman to be investigated for inciting nine BN assemblyman to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the Perlis MB on May 24.
Pakatan Harapan members at the Arau district police headquarters to report against state Umno chairman Shahidan Kassim.
ARAU: Pakatan Harapan (PH) has urged police to arrest Perlis Umno chief Shahidan Kassim, as the impasse over the state’s menteri besar continues.
Perlis PH secretary, Syed Araniri Syed Ahmad, said he also lodged a report in defence of state ruler Raja Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Syed Jamalullail.
He said Shahidan’s open criticism of the ruler over his choice of Azlan Man as the menteri besar amounted to incitement.
He also questioned Shahidan’s action of bringing nine Barisan Nasional (BN) state assemblymen to Kuala Lumpur, a day before the swearing in of the new MB.
Azlan, the Bintong assemblymen, was sworn-in without the attendance of any of the other BN assemblymen, upsetting the Perlis ruler.
“Shahidan incited the nine to boycott the ceremony and at the same time, insulted the capabilities of the Tuanku,” said Syed Araniri, who also said Shahidan should be investigated for sedition.
“It is our hope that Shahidan is arrested and charged immediately under this section. We also ask that the Tuanku exiles Shahidan from this state,” he said.
It is learnt that several other police reports were also made against Shahidan.
Despite Azlan’s swearing-in as MB, Perlis ,one of two states won by BN in the May 9 polls, remains the only state without a government in place.
BN won ten of the 15 state seats, while PH won three, and PAS two. -FMT

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