Saturday, June 2, 2018

Khaled: Not proper to withdraw Pulau Batu Puteh suit

It is not proper for the government to withdraw its suit over Pulau Batu Puteh at the International Court of Justice in the absence of an attorney-general, says Johor BN leader Mohamed Khaled Nordin.
"Although the attorney-general (Mohamed Apandi Ali) may have advised (the government on this), the decision was made while the attorney-general was on leave. 
"This can cause problems and be seen as improper," he said in a statement yesterday. 
According to Khaled, if the attorney-general believes that there was a chance of winning at the ICJ, then the opportunity should not be wasted.
The ICJ announced yesterday that Malaysia had officially dropped a request to overturn its 2008 ruling which awarded legal jurisdiction of Pulau Batu Puteh (Pedra Branca) to Singapore.
The review was sought by the previous BN administration, with a two-week hearing scheduled for June 11.
Malaysia and Singapore had both claimed Pulau Batu Puteh and mutually agreed to refer their dispute to the ICJ.
Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad suggested that his administration's focus now was on the expansion of a small maritime base on Batuan Tengah (Middle Rocks), a nearby rocky outcrop.
Mahathir had before this told Apandi to go on leave, with his duties taken over by the solicitor-general. 
A moral defeat
In his statement, Khaled said that giving up on the Pulau Batu Puteh claim was a moral defeat for the country. 
"The people would have hoped that the government would try their best on issues concerning our rights and sovereignty. 
"Pulau Batu Puteh has always been seen as a part of Johor, and should always remain part of Johor and Malaysia," the former menteri besar said, while stressing that sovereignty was no trivial matter.
Khaled also noted that it was disappointing that Putrajaya's decision has been met with silence by the current Johor government. 
"The state government should not treat this with nonchalance and choose to ignore a matter as important as this. 
"Johor Umno urges the state government to explain their stand," he said. -Mkini

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