Saturday, June 2, 2018


Supporters of Mahathir Mohamad, former Malaysian prime minister and opposition candidate for Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope), celebrate the victory in general election outside the hotel, where Mahathir Mohamad held news conference, in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, May 10, 2018. REUTERS/Stringer
Folks I just heard some really worrying news. That fellow is going around the country whispering into the ears of the gullible but influential that Najib was a victim of Tun Dr Mahathir’s greed and lust for power. They are listening to him because he is promising them things that Tun Dr Mahathir will not give them.
We faced delays and problems appointing the first few Cabinet Ministers. The same fellow had strongly objected to the appointment of Lim Guan Eng as the Minister of Finance. DAP members please take note.
Then there were delays in the swearing in of Tun Dr Mahathir as Prime Minister.
The Government CANNOT begin fully functioning until a few more things are in place:
1. The rest of the Cabinet must be agreed upon. Then they must be sworn in.
This is also facing delays. Someone wants to see the list of suggested Cabinet Ministers and pick and choose who he wants – which is NOT part of our Constitutional process. He wants to veto names that he does not like.
There are NO provisions in the Federal Constitution for anyone else other than the Prime Minister to choose a Cabinet.
2. Key government appointments must be made like the Attorney General, the Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN) and other important Civil Service appointments. The same person also wants to have veto power over these appointments as well. This is really ridiculous. This is purely the prerogative of the Prime Minister.
3. The Parliament must begin its session soon so that we can pass Bills and new Laws, abolish old Laws and get on with the management of the country. No Parliament no country folks. The new Parliament must begin its first session.
Ok folks, here is today’s shocker.
There seems to be some serious issue developing between the Government and another party over the appointment of the Attorney General.
There is a very strong rumour (which I heard from very strong people) that our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed has already shortlisted ONE candidate as the new Attorney General.
The candidate is said to be a non Muslim, male Indian.
He is said to be an expert on the Federal Constitution.
No it is not Sri Ram.
However the appointment is being objected to on exactly the same grounds – that the candidate is a non Malay and non Muslim. The candidate for AG is a Christian.
There is nothing in the Federal Constitution which says that non Malays and non Muslims cannot be appointed as the Attorney General.
More importantly it is accepted convention that the Prime Minister runs the affairs of the nation. The appointment of the Cabinet and the major Civil Service appointments are at the sole discretion of the Prime Minister. No one else.
1. There is also talk that the role of the AG will be restructured. This is part of the institutional reforms that need to be done. One suggestion is that the AG be confirmed by Parliament via confirmation hearings. Meaning the AG is actually appointed by Parliament and the AG will also be required to report publicly to Parliament on a periodic basis (say twice a year).
2. The AG’s role may also be redefined in that the AG does not prosecute cases anymore. There will be a separate and independent position of Public Prosecutor, who will actually prosecute cases in Court. The AG will focus on other administrative and legal issues.
But ALL THESE REFORMS can only be undertaken AFTER a new AG has been appointed.
It is also rumoured that the new AG (the non Muslim, male Indian lawyer) will be on a strict TWO YEAR contract.
Over the TWO YEARS his job is to focus on achieving 1 and 2 above, ie the institutional reform of the Attorney General’s Chambers.
Some people are afraid that if these institutional reforms are undertaken it will erode their power to play hanky panky with the AG’s Chambers – exactly like what happened with Super Moron and the moronic AG that he appointed as his pet monkey.
Folks, akhir kalam, the Prime Minister is an elected representative of the people. The Prime Minister represents the will of the rakyat. Any attempt to delay or frustrate the PM from carrying out his responsibilities and obligations towards the rakyat will have serious consequences.
Usually the will of the rakyat always wins. Those who go against the will of the rakyat will lose.
So to the people of Malaysia, the citizens of Malaysia who stood for hours queuing up to cast your vote – please listen up.
We all queued patiently in the sun and rain to vote for change. 
That change has happened.
Through a fantastic expression of our will we have overthrown a corrupt and useless bunch of monkeys. Power is now back with us the people.
The people are supreme. And our democratic process makes sure that we the people have legitimate claim to be supreme over our own fate. No one else.
Well, it looks like some people are thinking that they can take our power away from us.
Through ignorance, scheming and disguise they wish to usurp the people’s power.
The slimy back door types are helping them in this process.
If this rumour I heard is true, then over the next few days this “impasse” will most likely come out into the open. There is going to be a crisis.
If such an event comes to pass, let us all stand behind our Prime Minister.
Not just because our Prime Minister happens to be Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed but more importantly because we must uphold the Federal Constitution and the Rule of Law in this country.
If we do not stand up very firmly for our rights now, then they are going to trample all over us again. And again.


MUKHADIMAHPandangan yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Saya menulis dalam kapasiti saya sebagai seorang blogger. Ia tiada kena mengena dengan apa-apa jawatan yang mungkin saya pegang.
PADA 9 Mei rakyat jelata telah membuat keputusan. Mereka memilih Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang antara lain, menjanjikan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Istana Negara baru menelan belanja RM812 juta
Kini sudah lebih 20 hari kerajaan baru PH mentadbir. Alhamdulillah segala-galanya berlaku dalam suasana aman damai walaupun ada saat-saat yang mencemaskan.
Jadi janganlah ada mana-mana pihak – dari mahligai yang bergemerlapan kepada lorong belakang yang hanyir dan gelap – cuba mencabar kesahihan kuasa rakyat.
Ketua Umum PH, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, ditajukberitakan sebagai berkata beliau bimbang dengan perbezaan pendapat dalam PH.
Saya katakan begini kepada sahabat lama saya itu: Jangan sekadar bimbang saja. Sebagai orang tua kita lakukanlah yang terbaik bagi mengukuhkan perpaduan dalam pakatan kita.
Sesiapa pun, si papa atau raja akan mengundang tindak balas yang setimpal sekiranya mereka cuba menidakkan pilihan rakyat jelata dan undang-undang negara.
Seperti saya nyatakan berulang kali, dalam dunia tanpa sempadan yang dipacu oleh media sosial ini, tidak seorang atau satu hal pun akan terlepas daripada pandangan umum.
Dunia hari ini bukan lagi dunia “raja dalam rumah buat kira-kira. Suri dalam dapur makan roti gula”.
Rakyat jelata mahu tahu dan terpaksa diberi tahu kira-kira apa yang raja sedang buat dan berapa harga roti yang dimakan suri kerana rakyat jelata lah yang membiayai keperluan mereka.
Bukan puluhan atau ratusan ribu ringgit tapi ratusan juta!
Maka sewajarnyalah kira-kira yang raja buat itu demi kebaikan rakyat jelata dan bila ada raja, ada lah permaisurinya.
Dayang tepi kolam yang sedang mahu jemur tepung tidak lagi mahu dipatuk hidungnya oleh burung hitam.
Ini adalah kerana raja, isteri raja, dayang dan rakyat jelata kini berada di abad ke-21 dan bukan lagi di zaman dongeng, mitos serta rekaan di mana raja adalah kudrat.

[Secebis daripada Perlembagaan: Perkara 40 – Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah bertindak mengikut nasihat.

(1) Pada menjalankan fungsinya di bawah Perlembagaan ini atau undang-undang persekutuan, Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah bertindak mengikut nasihat Jemaah Menteri atau nasihat seseorang Menteri yang bertindak di bawah kuasa am Jemaah Menteri, kecuali sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan selainnya oleh Perlembagaan ini; tetapi Yang di-Pertuan Agong berhak, atas permintaannya, untuk mendapat apa-apa maklumat berkenaan dengan pemerintahan Persekutuan yang boleh didapati oleh Jemaah Menteri.

(1A) Pada menjalankan fungsinya di bawah Perlembagaan ini atau undang-undang persekutuan, jika Yang di-Pertuan Agong dikehendaki bertindak mengikut nasihat, atas nasihat, atau selepas menimbangkan nasihat, Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah menerima dan bertindak mengikut nasihat itu.] 

Antara Melayu dan Integriti
Ya, memanglah kalau boleh orang Melayu mahu Melayu menyandang semua jawatan penting, tetapi apa gunanya kalau Melayu yang berjawatan tinggi itu zalim, perasuah dan bersubahat dengan penyangak dan pencuri.
Kerajaan baru menjanjikan reformasi institusi. Untuk itu kita perlukan seorang pakar guaman yang amanah dan berintegriti sebagai Peguam Negara (Attorney General).
Kalau kita hendak melakukan pendakwaan kes rasuah berprofil tinggi pula, kita perlukan pula seorang Pendakwa Raya Negara (Prosecutor General) yang berkaliber.
Bagi mengelakkan pemusatan dan pembolotan kuasa, kita perlu pisahkan tugas guaman dan pendakwaan. Kita perlu ada seorang Peguam Negara dan Pendakwa Raya Negara.
Bangsa dan keturunan mungkin penting bagi sesetengah orang tetapi bagi semua yang mahukan keadilan, yang lebih penting adalah kewibawaan.
Jadi hendaknya janganlah ada sesiapa yang cuba mensabotaj proses pembentukan dan pelengkapan pentadbiran PH ini atau bermain kayu tiga untuk tujuan politik yang sempit.
Rakyat jelata memerhatikan!  –

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