Sunday, July 1, 2018

‘American or Chinese, warships can’t linger in Malaysian waters’

Malaysia has vowed to remain neutral and non-aligned in the South China Sea territorial dispute between Washington and Beijing, and will continue guarding oil-rich states in the east coast and Borneo, says Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu.
Mohamad reiterated Malaysia's stance that there will be no warships lingering in the waters amid the geopolitical tussle.
"I relayed Malaysia's stand on the matter to US Secretary of Defence James Mattis at a defence summit in Singapore last month.
"Roundtable talks will continue with all related quarters on the matter.
"I informed Mattis that we do not want warships to be in the South China Sea, and stressed we want our waters to remain neutral," Mohamad told reporters at a Penang Amanah Aidilfitri open house in Sungai Dua today.
Mohamad said warships can continue to pass through Malaysian waters, but they must not linger in the area as a show of strength, emphasising that the rule applied to both American and Chinese warships.
Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had previously raised objections against the presence of any warships in the South China Sea, saying that it could lead to escalating tensions. 
No assets purchase
The defence minister also stated that there are no immediate plans to purchase more military assets to protect the South China Sea, due to the government’s ongoing austerity drive.
He added, however, that the government will continue to study the cost of acquiring more assets when the need arises.
"We will spend on what is necessary, not splurge tens of billions on rail projects such as the ECRL,” he said, taking aim at the previous administration’s expenditure.  
Accompanying Mohamad at the event were state Amanah chief Mujahid Yusof Rawa, Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman, and Permatang Pasir assemblyperson Muhammad Faiz Fadzil. - Mkini

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