Sunday, July 1, 2018

PAS claims seizures linked to Najib to cover up Harapan's 'failures'

PAS vice-president Iskandar Abdul Samad claimed that the police seizure of cash and luxury items valued at up to RM1.1 billion from properties linked to former premier Najib Abdul Razak was an attempt to divert attention from Pakatan Harapan's "failures".
"Their failure to fulfil their election promises means the rakyat's attention must be diverted.
"The attempt to link the seizure of cash and luxury goods to Najib has become the main news in an effort to cover up the failure to reduce fuel prices, abolish tolls, reduce the cost of living and other failures," he said in a statement published on PAS organ Harakahdaily.
Iskandar's statement was in response to calls by Amanah to probe whether PAS received any 1MDB-linked funds.
Amanah Youth deputy chief Faiz Fadzil had pointed out that PAS and Umno had a cordial relationship prior to the May 9 general election and questioned if PAS had received any 1MDB-linked money from Umno.
This was amid the freezing of Umno's accounts on suspicion that misappropriated funds from 1MDB had ended up in its accounts.
Najib's family had also been accused of being a benefactor of misappropriated 1DMB funds, a claim he denies.
Iskandar accused the government of trying to paralyse the opposition with the freezing of bank accounts.
"Harapan's position is not strong. Those who voted for Harapan, particularly Umno members, could abandon them anytime.
"Therefore, one solution for Harapan is to ensure that PAS and Umno cease to exist by deregistering them," he claimed.
Iskandar claimed that Harapan received less than 50 percent of the votes in the last general election and its Malay support did not reach 30 percent.
Meanwhile, PAS vice-president Idris Ahmad said the Harapan government should probe its own party accounts.
Idris said PAS had no qualms if authorities wanted to verify whether any 1MDB funds flowed to PAS but stressed that due procedure must be followed.
"Follow procedure... (don't make) spurious calls for PAS' accounts to be frozen and claiming that it is involved in money laundering," he said in a Facebook post. -Mkini

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