Monday, July 30, 2018

Penang says oil spill under control

The spill had sparked fears that it could threaten fish and shrimp farms.
The oil spill from the accident involving a Hong Kong cargo vessel near Batu Maung, Penang. (Bernama pic)
GEORGE TOWN: An oil spill off Penang that occurred as a result of a Hong Kong cargo vessel colliding with a shipwreck last Thursday is under control.
State environment committee chairman Phee Boon Poh said authorities were still actively monitoring the situation.
“Everything is under control. There is no immediate cause for concern,” he told FMT.
In the 5.30am incident on Thursday, the vessel, “Xin Yi Yi”, spilled up to six tonnes of diesel and engine oil, about three nautical miles from the Batu Maung shoreline.
It was reported that the vessel had arrived from Hong Kong to pick up a shipment of live farmed fish from the Batu Maung fisheries jetty.
It however did not see a warning light on the buoy marking the location of the shipwreck until it was too late.
Five crewmen who were onboard the vessel were rescued by maritime authorities and another fisherman in the vicinity.
The oil spill sparked fears that it could threaten fish and shrimp farms, as well as the coastal environment along several kilometres of the coast of northern Perak, as the oil spill floated in that direction. -FMT

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