Monday, July 30, 2018

The Rungus People Make "Excessive" Demands On Waythamoorthy

A couple of days ago, our newly minted Minister of National Unity and Social Well Being Mr P Waythamoorthy made his very first official visit and first Ministerial Media Statement. 

To do that Waytha went to visit the beautiful Rungus people, located about THREE HOURS drive from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

The Rungus people were surprised because this was the very first time that a Federal Minister had visited their kampong. 

There was an interesting twist to Waytha's visit. Instead of the Minister making a long speech, Waythamoorthy pulled a surprise on the kampong people by just saying a few short words and then inviting the kampong people to come to the mike and tell him what they wanted. So the people told him what they wanted.

Here be the news from FMT :

maiden visit to Sabah, Waytha listens to kampung poor
normal for minister to take centre stage - P Waythamoorthy thought otherwise
minister of national unity decided to listen to Rungus community instead

And they did, listing down “simple, but practical” things: 
  • more kindergartens
  • public toilet
  • display area for tourists
  • small kitchen to cook meals

the community raised issue of cost of living 
higher than in urban areas
cost to transport oil, potatoes, onions into interior higher
RM2 packet of cooking oil sold for RM6 to RM7 

Waythamoorthy said: “heart-wrenching to see homes made from recycled building materials from old houses. handicraft workshop roofs from recycled zinc sheets

visit to Kampung Lompozou, in Matunggong, Sabah
Kg Lompozou is located 155 km from Kota Kinabalu

Rungus community most traditional minority ethnic groups in Sabah
Waythamoorthy praised them for preserving language and customs

My comments : So the Rungus folks want 
  • more kindergartens
  • a public toilet
  • a handicraft display area for tourists
  • a small kitchen to cook meals

What do you think folks? 63 years of the BN did not give them a public toilet. Do you think our new Pakatan Harapan Government can deliver the same? 

The question is always WHEN? Timing is everything.

"Insya Allah when the cows come home"  is not policy at all. 

The answer should be YESTERDAY.  Not even tomorrow.

These obviously very poor folks have been left out.  Their needs are so basic. 

So when do you think we can raise an astronaut from Kampong Lompozou in Matunggong, Sabah?  We have to make it happen. We can make it happen. 

I have some simpler demands.  

When is the new Pakatan Harapan government going to :

1. Abolish APs for car imports, remove excessive duties and taxes on car imports? It has been almost THREE months since we won the elections. Car prices in Malaysia are still among the TOP THREE HIGHEST in the world. Why? Please reduce car prices asap. Or else I am joining the Communist Party of Chittagong.

Poor Malays, poor Rungus, poor bumiputeras are getting poorer because they have to pay TWO to THREE TIMES more for a simple car than other human beings in this world. Please abolish all taxes, duties, fees etc and APs so that our car prices will match that of Europe, the US and other places (where these cars are manufactured). 

2.  When is the Sedition Act going to be abolished? This is in the Pakatan's Manifesto. TIMING is all important. We do not want another "Insya Allah when the cows come home" situation. Abolish the Sedition Act immediately.  

Let me share a secret with all our Malay brothers who are "worriers" - Nothing bad or wrong will happen to the Bahasa, Agama dan Raja if the Sedition Act is abolished. Absolutely nothing bad at all. Trust me on this. Just abolish the Sedition Act.

3. When is the Printing Presses and Publications Act going to be abolished? Please abolish this act. No back pedalling please.  

4. The Fake News Act? Please abolish it.

I never agreed with abolishing the ISA. This has been my view. I know many will not agree but the world has gone mad. We need tough security laws. 

They replaced the ISA with the SOSMA, the NSC Act, the Terrorism act or something.  We do not need so many but we need some sort of ISA or SOSMA or NSC act to be in place. Saner countries around the world have similar legislation. 

Do not worry about abuse. Any law, even traffic laws, can be abused. (There is corruption in the enforecement of traffic laws, didnt you know that? All the way into the traffic courts. For insurance claims, when death and injury takes place. Dont be naive ok.)  

My point is any law can be abused.   But we do not stop making laws just because we fear some idiots will abuse the laws.   We need some form of ISA, SOSMA or NSC. Just put in the requisite layers so that there are strong checks and balances to minimise abuse.

4. When is our Financial industry going to be deregulated? The really dumb idea to have just SIX anchor banks in a country of 32 million people is really not clever. Please deregulate our Financial Services industry asap. Otherwise I am joining the Communist Party of Chitaggong. 

5. When is English for Maths and Science coming back?  



And give the Rungus people in Kampong Lompozou :
  • more kindergartens
  • a public toilet
  • a handicraft display area for tourists
  • a small kitchen to cook meals

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