Thursday, August 30, 2018

Boarding school students arrested for bullying and extortion

IPOH: Three boys from a boarding school in Parit, Perak have been arrested for bullying and extorting money from their juniors.

The Form 3 students were picked up following a complaint lodged by a 13-year-old victim.

Pertak Tengah district police chief Supt Mohamad Zainal Abdullah said two boys were taken to a hostel room where they were beaten up by a group of seniors at 1am on Monday (Aug 27).

“Both victims were kicked in the heads and backs for several minutes before they were left in the room.

“After a few minutes, the suspects returned and dragged the victims on the floor before punching them in the abdomen,” he said on Thursday (Aug 30).

Supt Zainal said that the suspects tried to scream but the bullies covered the victims' mouths.

“The victims were warned against telling anyone about the incident.

“The suspects then threatened to beat up the victims again if they did not leave the room within five minutes,” he said, adding that the suspects had their faces covered during the incident.

Initial investigation showed that the suspects could have  been unhappy as the victims had complained to the school three weeks ago that they were extorting money from other school mates.

Supt Zainal said statements had been taken from the three boys and they were released on police bail on Wednesday (Aug 29).

The case is being investigated under Section 147 of the Penal Code for rioting.- Star

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