Thursday, August 30, 2018

Ex-spies may have received US$12m from Mid East source

EXCLUSIVE | The former high-ranking intelligence officers who are being investigated by MACC might have received a total of US$12 million from a Middle Eastern source.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior investigation officer said the money was brought to Malaysia ahead of the May 9 general election.
However, he refused to reveal further details on the source of the funds.
"What we found so far is that the suspects used their authority to get special access through the airport (in Malaysia),” he said, adding that MACC is probing if the cash was used for the election.
"The question now is on the breach of our national security. First, there is an issue of how the money was brought into our country undetected? We believed that they declared the cash as something else to pass through airport security.
"This a breach of security at our country's entry point.
"Secondly, what business does a government department have in receiving funds from a foreign source, and for what purpose? So there is also a concern if national security was breached,” he added.
However, the officer declined to state if the money was brought in through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) or another airport.
According to the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 and Exchange Control Act 1953, travellers carrying cash, travellers cheque, bankers draft, bearer cheque, bills of exchange, promissory notes, postal order or money order equivalent to US$10,000 and above must declare so at the point of entry.
Failure to do so may result in a jail sentence and a hefty fine.
During a special press conference earlier today, MACC deputy commissioner (operations) Azam Baki said a total of US$6.3 million was seized during their probe and there is still another US$5 million being sought.
MACC has also arrested seven former intelligence officers and the unit's ex-chief Hasanah Abdul Hamid. The latter was remanded for five days yesterday to facilitate investigations.
Last night, the commission detained a 47-year-old businessman in Kelantan. He was also said to hold permanent resident status in the UK.
Shortly after the arrest, investigators found a total of USD4.07 million stashed in a condominium in Cyberjaya.
It is learnt that the businessperson was the suspects' "go to" person. - Mkini

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