Friday, August 31, 2018

Spy chief's lawyers threaten to sue MACC

The law firm representing embattled former spy chief Hasanah Abdul Hamid and seven other former national intelligence officers being probed for alleged misappropriation of US$12 million has warned the authorities against making any further statements about their clients.
In a statement, Azam Aziz Shaharudinali & Co, said that public statements made by senior officers of the MACC were "a desperate tactic to sway public opinion" and to place their clients under the poor light of a public scandal.
It said that while it has yet to receive any instruction from its clients to proceed, the firm had nonetheless studied all legal options which are "on the table" against those who have made such statements.
"In law, these public statements made in the course of a criminal investigation are completely unnecessary and unwarranted, reasonably calculated to put our clients in the position of public scandal, contempt and odium.
"They were seen by us as a desperate tactic to sway public opinion to condemn and ridicule our clients prior to any possible criminal proceedings," the statement read.
The firm stressed that Hasanah, who is currently under remand pending investigations into the matter, was barred from meeting with her legal counsel and as such could not effectively respond to the statements.
"We are under instructions to study legal options open to our client(s). We have not received instructions to proceed as yet but we wish to put the relevant parties on notice that all legal options against them are on the table," the firm said.
Middle East source
MACC deputy commissioner (operations) Azam Baki had stated during a press conference yesterday that a total of US$6.3 million was seized during their probe while another US$5 million was still being sought.
He stated that a 47-year-old businessman in Kelantan was detained and a total of US$4.07 million was found stashed in a condominium in Cyberjaya following the arrest.
Azam Baki added that said the MACC was looking into whether the money, all US$12 million, was brought into Malaysia three months ago.
A source had told Malaysiakini that the sum was believed to have been brought into the country from the Middle East. - Mkini

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