Saturday, September 1, 2018

At bumi congress, Azmin hopes 'new Malays' will change minds of non-bumis

KBN CONGRESS | Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali defended the Future of Bumiputeras and the Nation Congress (KBN 2018) today, stressing that the focus of the discussion was on forming a bumiputera community that is progressive and has integrity.
Azmin said this was in contrast to similar events under the previous BN government which revolved around political patronage and economic tongkat (crutches).
"If in the past, the discussion is about tongkat, political patronage, the lobbyist industry... for the first time, Malays and the bumiputera community are now discussing issues concerning values, ethics and integrity," he told delegates at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
MCA vice-president Chew Mei Fun had previously criticised the congress and challenged Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng to cancel the event.
Azmin also noted that among the speakers today was the National Centre for Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption head Abu Kassim Mohamed who made several proposes to address corruption and lobbyists in the bumiputera economy.
"Why are we being blamed? Has my ministry sinned for wanting to abolish the 'Alibaba' practice? For wanting to stop leakages and rid of corruption?
"I hope with the conclusion of this congress, it will not only form a bumiputera and Malay community that is progressive, with integrity and principle but also give a new perspective to the non-bumiputera community that the bumiputera gathered here today is a bumiputera community that is brave, persistent and with integrity to move forward and uplift all Malaysians," he said.
The “Alibaba” practice refers to contractors who are granted contracts exclusively for the bumiputera community, who then sell them to a non-bumiputera for a quick profit.
Azmin said issues concerning the bumiputera community should not be viewed within the framework of the past.
"Do not remain in a box of the old way of thinking. This is not Malays who are corrupt, who practice ‘Alibaba’.
"Because if we practice corruption, leakages, ‘Alibaba’, our issues will never be resolved. And corruption is not an issue exclusive to the Malays, everyone will be affected, a country can collapse.
"Just look at 1MDB - Wasn't that a Malay (who was responsible)? Every year, they wear six-inch tall songkok, hold long keris..." said Azmin in an apparent reference to Umno as the crowd laughed.
Azmin said it had to be acknowledged that there was economic inequality, particularly in the B40 group where the average household income for bumiputeras was RM2,600 a month, compared to non-bumiputeras, which averaged at around RM3,000 a month.
He added that the economic plan and proposals for the bumiputera community would not be carried out at the expense of any one community, but would ensure the equitable growth of the economy. -Mkini

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