Saturday, September 29, 2018

Business down for traders at Umno AGM bazaar

UMNO AGM | In previous years, when Umno was in power, its annual general assemblies were a must-go event for party members and the general public.
People would flock to the bazaar booths set up at the venue, Putra World Trade Centre, which offered a variety of products, particularly Malay attire at cheap prices.
However, the Umno bazaar this year was a relatively more muted affair – no longer pulling in a huge crowd, and covering a far smaller space on the second floor of PWTC.
Just last year, the bazaar had to be extended to a large hall on the third floor.
A number of traders who rented bazaar booths this year complained that business has taken a nosedive.
Speaking to Malaysiakini, 60-year-old fashion trader Hasinah Omar (photo) feared that she may suffer losses this year.
She said she had never missed a chance to secure a booth during previous Umno's assemblies, which netted her tidy sums of up to RM30,000.
"But this year, I am worried that I may not make my money back.
"I rented the booth for RM3,000 for three days. I brought all my products from Kelantan with a lorry and I stayed at a hotel. These were the costs incurred," she said.
As of 10am this morning, Hasinah had only sold one piece of cloth and two headscarves.
Another trader who spoke to Malaysiakini said that in 2017, the bazaar would get so crowded that it would be difficult for the people to walk through, even in the morning.
"It is quiet and nobody showed up to buy anything," said 24-year-old Siti Abdullah (photo).
She explained her shop offered three pieces of four-metre fabric for RM100, which were normally sold at a market price of RM70 per piece. - Mkini

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