Sunday, September 30, 2018


So, Mr Ng brought Amar Singh and his team up to the apartments. But when they reached the apartment Amar Singh did not have the key after all. He had brought a locksmith with him and the locksmith broke the lock on the front door so that the raiding party could enter the apartment.

Amar Singh Ishar Singh is upset with me for talking about his turban. I am glad. I meant for him to feel insulted. And he has the gall to call me a racist. But then it was two Sikhs, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, and not a Bugis like me, who assassinated Indira Gandhi in New Delhi.

Amar Singh is as treacherous as Gandhi’s bodyguards

And mind you, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, were Gandhi’s bodyguards. They were supposed to ensure her safety, not take her life. Can you see how treacherous Singhs can be? And Amar Singh is no less treacherous than Satwant Singh and Beant Singh and who now wants to ‘assassinate’ Najib Tun Razak after serving him for nine years.
Let me share a little secret with you. Amar Singh and his team went to the Pavilion Residences and approached the building manager, Mr Ng, and told him they want to get into Najib’s apartment. Mr Ng told Amar Singh they cannot enter the apartment because the owners are not home.
Amar Singh told Mr Ng that they have permission from Najib to enter the apartment. In fact, they even have the keys, Amar Singh told Mr Ng.

Amar Singh told Mr Ng he had permission to enter the apartment, and even had the keys, and then broke the lock to gain entry in his game of deception

So, Mr Ng brought Amar Singh and his team up to the apartments. But when they reached the apartment Amar Singh did not have the key after all. He had brought a locksmith with him and the locksmith broke the lock on the front door so that the raiding party could enter the apartment.
By then Mr Ng could not do anything about it. Amar Singh then chased Mr Ng away and the police ransacked the apartment and carted everything away without declaring to Mr Ng the details of what they were confiscating or seizing.
By the way, Amar Singh, I am not an investigative reporter, as you allege. That would be what people like Clare Rewcastle Brown are, an investigative reporter. I am higher than that. I am an assassin. And my job is to assassinate people like you. Hence get your facts straight. How come a senior police officer like you can get it so wrong?
Raja Petra Kamarudin


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