Friday, September 28, 2018

Sarkis Sudah Tiba Di Port Dickson, Mr Tommy Thomas There is Yet Another Question For You.

Image result for P132 Port Dickson

I received this from someone. Has been reworded some.

Circus coming to PD. Since PD is in Negeri Sembilan maybe many trapeze artistes will perform. But circuses always bring at least one clown. In PD you can choose your favourite clown. Brader, Pak Sheikh, Pak Sheikh P_nkok, Professor, husband, father, boss or partner, all in one. Or listen to Sukma, Azizan, Saiful, Baby Doll, Meor etc. Maybe all the clowns.

The circus has started. UMNO said "NO", leaving only the "UM".  Soon no more UM. MACC is  talking  to them already.  Two are already singing (Muthu Karuppan Sinnathamby bin Abdullah and his brother Muthu Karuppu Periathamby bin Abdullah) while  the rest are waiting for their turns

So better not contest or another By Election will be coming.  ln UMNO there are many pondans. So they prefer to stay home and watch over their money.  Fight if win; then before long more By Elections -  after MACC completes investigations.

Back to the circus. Big orders for jeans with zips at the back. See photo.

Open with hands lah.

Some say don’t bend over during the campaign. 
Young people stay at home. 
Dont allow your wife to travel alone. 
All these are new experiences in PD.

Many old videos are being replayed. 
Kampong people are shocked. 
They cant believe what they see. 
They ask is this Malaysia Baru? 
Most are scared. 
Some cant believe what they see. 
Is this what people mean when they say cakap lain bikin lain.
Is this munafik?

Some ask why the By Election when the GE was just 4 months ago plus the government says no money and Minimum Wages increased by RM50 only. 

Who is so irresponsible to force this By Election ?  
And locally they say bi.
They ask why  bi?

Is this really PH or a component ?
ls this our future? 
Promises were made about good governance but what we have is a very bad example. 

So let the circus begin.

As said earlier each circus will have many clowns to entertain us. 
The first clown was obviously Danyal Balagopal Abdullah. 
Then Pas has confirmed that their statement about pulling out of PD was untrue. They never pull out on time. Or in time.

Then there are the many 'ex' clowns in this circus.   
An ex MB is playing clown
There is an ex air force guy playing clown.
An ex military,  an ex supol,  an ex DPM  etc 
Its a real gallery of  "ex"  clowns.  
This is a circus.

There is one who is putting in his manifesto. 
To end conspiracy.
To end super liberals, never recognise the LGBT.
Amend the law on homosexuals he says - what they do in private is their business.
And question on private jets.
A very exciting by-election.

Ampun or pardon is for dosa or wrong doing. 
lf no wrong done why ampun? 

Go ask god 'ampun' for dosa. 
But a criminal is pardoned for crimes he committed. 
lf as he claims, he did no wrong so ampun for what? 
  • Others cannot ask ampun for you. 
  • You must ask ampun for yourself. 
(My comment : So Mr Tommy Thomas, who actually asked for the Pardon? 
Is the Pardon still valid if someone else asked for it ?)

So all talk of ampun is rubbish....please check and then talk or  write.

Ampun must have a procedure. 

Tommy Thomas was not AG at that time so he does not know. 

For transparency’s sake (which this government claims to practice)  please disclose the Pardon papers etc - not just the final Letter signed by the Agong. 

Please show the public the full set of Pardon documents. 

Remember Mr Tommy Thomas, there cannot be any cover ups. 
This is Malaysia Baru. 
Not the kleptocracy of old.

My comments :  Mr Tommy Thomas, if you only knew who sent me this. If you only knew. You should answer those questions directed at you here.

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