Monday, October 1, 2018

Yoursay: Yeoh not the only one to switch allegiance in New Malaysia

YOURSAY | ‘As the saying goes, there are no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interests.’
True Malaysian: Yes, where is the integrity and principle? If actress Michelle Yeoh’s movie on 1MDB comes out, I for one won't be watching it.
I will watch the one from Sarawak Report. Its editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown stood with the Malaysian people and helped to bring down BN. We are indebted to her.
For Yeoh, I feel she should apologise to the Malaysian people for her ardent support of Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
Yeoh will always be unwelcome in new Malaysia. It’s better for her to stay put in Hollywood.
Don’t Just Talk: You are right, Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) executive director Cynthia Gabriel - that supporting the kleptocratic government under former premier Najib Abdul Razak and now wanting to capitalise on the 1MDB scandal by co-producing the ‘Billion Dollar Whale’ movie is nothing but an opportunistic move by Yeoh.
She should be the last Malaysian to even think of profiting from the 1MDB scandal from the manner she defended Najib during the 2013 general election.
Anonymous_c9b96c38: I totally agree. Read this, Yeoh. You have the right to openly express your support for Najib and his corrupt regime, which has caused us years of financial misery.
We have the right to openly express our anger towards you for trying to make money and gain fame from our struggle to successfully break away from the shackles of the past corrupt regime which you openly supported.
You have the right to make the movie. But all true Malaysians will boycott it.
Anonymous 7478653098613829: Those people mentioned are just fair-weathered folks who like to rub shoulders with the rich and famous, just to get some advantages.
They can gush and swoon over the VIPs without feeling any shame and they totally neglect the reality - in this case, the wrongdoings committed by the ex-prime minister and the sufferings by the ordinary people.
And, in the blink of an eye, these people can turn around and adopt a vastly different stance without a tinge of embarrassment. They are survivors but one without principles. They deserve our disdain and contempt.
JD Lovrenciear: I cannot, absolutely cannot, disagree with Cynthia. You hit the nail on the head and I must say without compromise that this silver screen actress has lost her pride and place in a society that aspires to make Malaysia great.
Anonymous_1527730584: Perhaps she realised that she had been wrong in the past.
Our ex-prime minister was a good showman and had fooled so many people. Until today, there are party members who are still loyal.
So if she wants to take the risk to make the film, let it be.
Prudent: Yeoh is an opportunist alright. But "cheap"? I don't think so.
Her partner is rumoured to be worth billions of dollars, and with good Hollywood contacts and influence to boot.
Besides, Michelle has always not been afraid to call herself a Malaysian. She even helped put Pulau Langkawi on the world map for tourists.
She is an opportunist alright, but she also looks out for Malaysia's interests. So please do not call her "cheap" with its derogatory connotations.
Anonymous_afc357a0: Actually, Yeoh is not the only one switching alliances. All BN-controlled media did a 180-degree turn, and Umno members are quitting the party.
It is normal. As the saying goes, “There are no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interests.”
I.AM.Malaysian: In a healthy democracy, no one should be sidelined for showing their political support.
Do you treat your friend differently if they voted for the other political party if your friend is a good person?
Think about it. After all, we fought so hard for a fair and just Malaysia. Don't be the monster we just got rid of.
Vijay47: Wow! Yeoh, the celebrity klieg light of Malaysia, our star on the silver screen, truly the greatest actress ever.
Yours is the artistic calibre that would make Jerry Bruckheimer, Quentin Tarantino, and George Lucas bang down your door to get you to sign on.
Heck, even Run Run Shaw would have loved to have you in his stable of actors. Yes, Madam, you are no more the crouching tiger but the hidden dragon.
Just a short while ago, you couldn't gush glowingly enough about the lord of your universe, Najib, or be seen often enough with him. He was omnipotent, even infallible like the Pope.
But the moment he fell from grace, you rush to make a movie where he no doubt will be revealed as villain, scoundrel, and of course, another crazy rich Asian. The world learns that Brutus had a sister.
Anonymous_f37de788: I will boycott this movie simply because it is being co-produced by a person who supported a corrupt party which nearly destroyed our country. That person doesn’t deserve my money.
Anonymous 350791436750385: Cut Yeoh some slack. She is, after all, just an actress and was probably fooled like a lot of other people by Najib and businessperson Jho Low.
I think it is good that she takes up this project and hopefully make it into another success. She has brought a lot of attention to this part of the world.
Rippoh2016: Personally, I don't care whether you are pro-BN or not. That is your right.
However, in good conscience, you should donate part of the proceeds to Tabung Harapan. After all, you are profiting from Malaysia's story. - Mkini

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