Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Condemn those who took '1MDB money', Guan Eng tells Chinese press

INTERVIEW | Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng has urged the Chinese press to condemn the three media associations that received money from the 1Malaysia-Penang Welfare Club in 2013.
"Why has the Chinese media not condemned the actions of these associations?
"Even now it's not too late. Condemn them for receiving 1MDB money.
"You talk about MCA and Umno receiving 1MDB money, what about your own journalists' associations?" Lim said in an interview with Malaysiakini at his office in Putrajaya last week.
The 1Malaysia-Penang Welfare Club is an entity that was run by a friend of fugitive financier Jho Low, who has been named as a key figure in the alleged misappropriation of funds from 1MDB.
Lim has had a tumultuous relationship with the Chinese press after 2013, when he criticised the three media associations in Penang for accepting donations from the 1Malaysia-Penang Welfare Club.
The former Penang chief minister also previously questioned whether these funds given by the club came from 1MDB.
The club, which has since been de-registered, organised daily dinners and lucky draws and gave out millions of ringgit in donations to associations and NGOs.
Lim pointed out that only one of the associations returned the money and it was only after intense public pressure.
"How can you expect me to respect these reporters when they sell out?
"And yet every time I mention this, they will write everything bad about me," said the visibly angry minister.
Now, Lim said, he has no relationship whatsoever with the Chinese press unless they are willing to condemn those associations that took the money.
"Everybody is human, we make mistakes, but the worst is those who do not repent and do not feel any remorse," he added. - Mkini

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