Monday, October 29, 2018

Home Ministry: No proof Special Branch abused by anyone

PARLIAMENT | The Home Ministry has no intention of abolishing the police's Special Branch, which has often been accused of being a political tool for BN.
"Currently, there is insufficient evidence to prove that the Special Branch or any police department had been abused for the interest of certain groups," said the Home Ministry.
This was said in a written parliamentary reply to Pang Hok Liong (Harapan - Labis) who asked the ministry if it was true that the Special Branch was abused by the previous BN administration to protect its leaders and whether there were plans to abolish this branch of the police.
In the past, opposition parties had accused the Special Branch of focusing on BN's political opponents rather than actual security issues. 
The ministry said the Special Branch's job was to counter subversive activities, sabotage and gather intelligence.
It said information is then channelled to government agencies with the aim of helping the government maintain national security from internal and external threats.
"In taking consideration of the role played by intelligence agencies such as the Special Branch in protecting national security, the issue of abolishing the Special Branch does not arise," said the ministry.
However, the ministry said that if any police personnel or civil servant was found to be abusing their powers, action will be taken.
According to the Royal Commission of Inquiry on police reforms in 2005, there are no specific provisions dealing with the functions, powers and duties of the Special Branch.
In the earlier part of the Najib Abdul Razak administration, the number of Special Branch personnel almost equalled that of the criminal investigation department.
In recent years, the gap between the two departments have widened. -Mkini

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