Monday, October 29, 2018

‘Reign’ of new ‘ruler’ numbered

Self-proclaimed: Sultan Mansor Shah III of Melaka. — Pic taken from his Facebook
Self-proclaimed: Sultan Mansor Shah III of Melaka. — Pic taken from his Facebook
MELAKA: Another individual is claiming to be the Melaka Sultan but the “reign” of the 63-year-old “ruler” is numbered.
Chief Minister Adly Zahari said representatives from the state go­­vernment would lodge a police report today based on a Facebook posting which said that Tengku Muhamad Jalil Md Nor ascended the throne on Oct 23 at Kuala Linggi here carrying the title “Sultan Mansor Shah III”.
Adly said state government agencies were monitoring the postings and would check the background of the alleged “sultan” as well as the legality of the issue.
“We will act accordingly within the ambit of the law against the indi­­vidual concerned,” he said yesterday..
When the state joined the Fede­ration of Malaysia, it had no provisions for sultans or royalty.
This made it impossible for the revival of a sultan to rule the state despite the emergence of a number of claimants on a regular basis.
Among them were businessman Noor Jan Tuah and a woman who appeared from nowhere claiming she had magical powers to revive the Melaka Sultanate.
Last July, Noor Jan, 61, was acquitted by the Sessions Court here of four charges of false claims and impersonating Sultan of Melaka.
The self-proclaimed “Sultan of Melaka” was arrested while on the way to attend a religious event at Pulau Besar in January 2014.- Star

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