Thursday, November 29, 2018

Do not take our hard-fought peace for granted

MP SPEAKS | The very first line of the Rukunegara - ‘Bahawasanya Negara kita, Malaysia, mendukung cita-cita hendak mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya’ - highlights the important role of unity in the shaping and development of our beloved nation.
We are fortunate in that despite the multitude of backgrounds, we have not suffered from race-related violence for decades. Unlike many countries around the globe, we do not have to fear for our lives if we have the wrong colour of skin when walking down a street in the wrong neighbourhood.
However, this hard-fought peace is not something we should take for granted.
There should not be, nor will there be, any compromise when dealing with saboteurs of the peaceful co-existence between the various ethnic and religious groups in Malaysia. A similarly stern stance should be taken on criminals who attempt to cloak their underhanded practices in the guise of negative racial sentiments.
Like the majority of Malaysians, I am both horrified and alarmed at the vitriol and ease in which many racially-tinged statements have been made recently with regards to the criminal activities at the Sri Maha Mariamman temple.
In times of uncertainty, it is easy to withdraw into our comfort zones and lash out at those who are perceived to be different from us. However, it is exactly during these moments that we should reach out and unite on the matters that bind us.
As president of the multiracial PKR, I am familiar with the challenges of building a coalition and the importance of finding common ground. In our case, PKR has withstood the challenges these past twenty years on the foundation of fighting injustice and inequality - something we have championed for all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. We are also stronger because of our diversity, not in spite of it.
In this spirit, I pledge to reach out to leaders from across the political spectrum to discuss these matters in a comprehensive and sensible manner. I will also meet Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari, to discuss the manner in which we can help improve the situation on the ground.
I also salute the hard work of our security forces. They regularly lay their lives on the line and work very hard behind the scenes to ensure the continued peace and security that Malaysians enjoy. The rule of law must be maintained, and no subversive legal acts should be allowed.
Whilst we continue to search for an amicable solution, I urge our citizens from making unsubstantiated claims that may jeopardize the state of our nation.
Assess matters critically, and do not allow racists and keyboard warriors to scupper the hard-won changes that we have been fighting for.
Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu'

ANWAR IBRAHIM is the Port Dickson MP and PKR president. -Mkini

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