Saturday, November 17, 2018

Malaysian Terrorist Epidemic - Police Arrest Another 8 ISIS / Abu Sayyaf

IGP says arrested in Sabah is Filipino blacksmith an Abu Sayyaf commander

Police arrested 7 Filipinos, 1 M'sian terrorist
One suspect known to behead Abu Sayyaf captives

IGP: arrested between Oct 30 - Nov 12 in Sabah, Putrajaya 

38-yr M'sian 1st to be arrested in Putrajaya Oct 30
he was an agent selling gold bullion
suspect involved in channelling funds to Akel Zainal (ISIS in Syria) 

2nd raid, Nov 1 in Tenom, Sabah, arrest 3 Filipinos 
27, 34 and 51 yrs  worked as labourers.

members of Abu Sayyaf involved in kidnapping 
34-yr-old producing firearms for group 

Nov 8, 2 more Filipinos, 35 and 46, arrested in Ranau
One labourer, the other technician

35-yr-old recruited children into Abu Sayyaf 
used them as human shields in Basilan
also involved in beheading captives 

caught before planned escape to southern Philippines 

4th raid, Nov 10 Kinarut, Sabah, arrest of 30-yr Filipino blacksmith
Abu Sayyaf commander, right-hand man of Furuji Indama, senior leader 
Nov 12 - 5th ops nabbed 60-yr Filipino pasar malam trader in Tenom

My comments :  These people are mostly uneducated, unemployed and come from illegal migrants or from the underclasses. They have nothing much going on in their lives.  They are easily influenced by simple rhetoric and cannot think critically.

More importantly they can make easy money, and sometimes they can strike it big (extortion, kidnapping, robbery, murder, funding by Saudi Arabia, funding by wahabi muftis etc). 

If we wish to win this war against extremists then we must equip them with a good education and make available useful jobs in the market place where they can work.

But when our education system has SEVEN periods of agama class per week and only THREE periods for SCIENCE we will be creating more religious extremists and terrorists. 

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